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David Aiken

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Everything posted by David Aiken

  1. Hi from the North Kent coast! ;-)
  2. I've a 20' x 6' full height chicken coop. When I started, which wasn't all that long ago I was paying £3.00 for a standard red point of lay, then the next batch were £5.00. The next were over £10.00 ? Now I've seen them for £15.00 ? I use to buy a dozen at a time, but at £180 (against the £36.00 I once paid) I buy 30 eggs ? for £3.00 at my local farm. No feed, no mite, no bother! Oh, and my rabbit ? loves her 'new' hutch!
  3. I had a mine added at the same time; Section 1 Shotgun; Shall be used for; 9. FOX, VERMIN & ANY OTHER LAWFUL QUARRY & FOR ZEROING: 12. SOLID SLUG AMMUNITION FOR PRACTICAL SHOTGUN 13. SHOOTING BIRDS
  4. Welcome from the North Kent Coast :-)
  5. Common sense and justice. You stumble across his Farm in the middle of the night (supposedly out lamping, err, without permission, as you obviously didn't know where you were so couldn't have permission!) and you get shot! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-humber-39233017
  6. Brought HW100s, shot HW100kt, wished I gone with the kt, easier to handle!
  7. I have several full lengths of Soaker Hose (4 I think, maybe 3?) going FREE :-) Collection from ME8 area (Medway) ?
  8. I've 10. But to be fair 8 of those back onto my main 350 acre permission. So I can service 9 permissions together. I'd be reluctant to have permissions I couldn't visit at least monthly unless I had an agreement with the land owner due to distance etc.
  9. Ordered recently? Maybe shut over Xmas?
  10. Good afternoon from the North Kent Coast.
  11. Generally correct. But if a FEO has deemed a piece of land unsuitable for anything above .17 hmr and you knowingly used a larger caliber, even with an open ticket, you are treading on thin ice. I don't normally disagree with you, but that's definitely incorrect. With an open ticket you can shoot where YOU deem safe (with permission of course). What the FEO deems safe is irrelevant, The conditions on your FAC clearly state this. Try it, shoot on a permission you know a FEO has deamed unsafe for a specific caliber. I had a permission that a FEO cleared for .22lr but not .17 HMR this was
  12. Generally correct. But if a FEO has deemed a piece of land unsuitable for anything above .17 hmr and you knowingly used a larger caliber, even with an open ticket, you are treading on thin ice. I don't normally disagree with you, but that's definitely incorrect. With an open ticket you can shoot where YOU deem safe (with permission of course). What the FEO deems safe is irrelevant, The conditions on your FAC clearly state this. I'm talking about land which a FEO has visited and dreamed unsafe for a specific caliber. Try it, shoot on a permission you know a FEO has deamed unsafe fo
  13. Generally correct. But if a FEO has deemed a piece of land unsuitable for anything above .17 hmr and you knowingly used a larger caliber, even with an open ticket, you are treading on thin ice.
  14. I don't understand your question? It's passed for .17hmr?? But not ..223. Is that the answer?
  15. I would only buy one if the chosen shooting discipline demanded 'single shot only'. Otherwise go for the HW100, way more versatile.
  16. One hell of a power spike! The FAC HW100 @ 30ft lbs has no recoil. My 17HMR at close to 250ft lbs has virtually no detectable recoil!
  17. I brought one off fleebay for £16.00 for testing a rifle. Good for 50 yards max, is hard to zero and if tapped looses zero. Poor in anything but the brightest of conditions and that's with a 50mm objective! I doubt a 20mm objective will fair well?
  18. Hi and welcome! Make sure you find good cartridges at a cheap price, not just cheap cartridges! Cheap cartridges will be dirty and cause dirty barrels. Also, they may not pattern well.
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