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Mister Gain

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About Mister Gain

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 24/03/1954

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  • Location
    Southeast London

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  1. Putting your kid in danger!!! I find this picture quite shocking, it's from a few years back where a couple put their girl on the balustrade of Tower Bridge in London, fcuking brain dead.
  2. You're right, they are good eating. You can generally get fresh Roo steaks at the local supermarkets and butchers. Used to buy them for the BBQ.
  3. I approached one some years back to try to get a photo. We were in a sanctuary and there were signs to keep to the paths as the Roo's can be a bit unpredictable sometimes. I spotted a big one kipping in the shade of a shrub and thought I would creep over and get a pic of it. Fcuking thing heard me and got up so I took a hurried shot and backtracked. Just after the photo it stood right up and showed it's chest, would like to have got a pic but was busy going backwards. He was impressive. Bit later, similar situation with a group of them, tried the same tactic but they all got up and I thou
  4. I spoke to a lad about 4-5 years ago who used to work in Raymonds pie & mash shop in Eltham and asked him what ingredients went into the liquor. Flour, parsley and water. Said I thought it was eel water, he told me years ago it was but they had to stop using it in case someone had a fish allergy... So the liquor is WOKE ffs
  5. Came across an old photo of Jimmy Greaves and Bobby Moore in the hotel in Hendon, where the England team stayed throughout the 1966 World Cup tournament. Looks a rather relaxed setup. Can you imagine Alf Ramsey's instructions for the day... "OK Greavsie, You sit there and puff your way through a pipeful of Condor Flake, and Bobby you sit there and have a doze for an hour."
  6. Pay no heed to the fable of St George slaying the dragon, it did not happen. I know this because unwittingly I married said dragon and it is still very much alive. Happy St Georges Day lads..
  7. Well I didn't get one on my old outdated pay as you go Nokia, I feel like an outcast..... The wife was happy that she got one, makes her feel popular, similar to answering the phone call scammers and cold callers.
  8. Good call on the Umble PIe. I used to make them with pork liver, kidney and heart, but added Scotch Pie Seasoning and cooked them with a hand raised hot water crust pastry... food of the gods.
  9. That pair of ploughs lived at my old depot about 20 odd years back. Of all the photo's I have of the old depot I could only find 1 pic showing the ploughs, and not a very good pic, you have to hunt to find them LOL. Incidentally, the photo shows the silhouette of Canary Wharfe being constructed in the distance, a far cry from the size it is today.
  10. In 1955 Test Pilot Tex Johnson performed a 1G barrel roll in a Boeing 707. He was told not to do it again.
  11. Got to agree with that, haggis, faggots etc, and a favourite of mine from the past hand raised offal pies, delicious...
  12. Looks like he's got a good career lined up doing Specsavers adverts Greyman.?
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