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Status Updates posted by LaraCroft

  1. Polytunnels are awesome ! Fresh veg in January snow !

    1. Chaff


      I can't wait till I retire have my bees piggs an polytunnel bliss

    2. LaraCroft


      The chickens are fabulous slug killers if you can keep them off the greens !


  2. They need to make post bashing sleeves for short people - I can't reach that high !

  3. When you live so far from civilisation that they don't deliver anything, and all you want is a kebab. Sigh .

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LaraCroft


      I added chilli sauce to an omelette and promised myself fish and chips on the way back from the beach with the dogs tomorrow !

    3. treecreeper


      if you seen where they make donna meat nobody would eat it

    4. LaraCroft


      Its a grilled chicken one, in a wholemeal pitta, with lettuce , from a lovely lady who sells homemade/homecooked stuff and homegrown veg from her shed ! In the list of things that are going to kill me, it's quite far down there !

  4. Treated the dogs to a little paddling pool. Unfortunately none of them have the courage to ask the chickens to get out of it yet.

    1. low plains drifter
    2. paulus


      pinkella kept us occupied....lol


    3. R.A.W


      paulus there's a new sheriff in town now lol. i've gotta walk mine in with the lead the whimps lol

  5. Freedom, oh freedom, that's just some people talking. Your prison is wandering through this world all alone

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PIL


      Sounds like something the Greek would say .lol

    3. paulus


      it on the telly lol

      the Eagles

    4. low plains drifter

      low plains drifter

      Not happy with mouse poaching,you have to poach somebodys words aswell lol

  6. Just because someone is stupid enough to lie to you - doesn't mean you have to be stupid enough to believe them !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LaraCroft


      I know you don't RAW, no one can wear a Buzz Onesie and tell porky pies !

    3. R.A.W
    4. LaraCroft


      One of these days I will forget about the Buzz Onesie. Just not yet :-)

  7. Before a shower, I check behind the shower curtain for murderers. I don't know why - it's not like I have a plan !

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. low plains drifter

      low plains drifter

      Best just stick to the sheep trough and the bottle of radox lol

    3. LaraCroft


      lol ! Yep, that is more my style

    4. R.A.W


      i'm sticking to the bath

  8. It is not so much the journey that is important, as the way we treat those we encounter, and those that are around us, along the way.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. LaraCroft


      lol ! I make no sense at the best of times - I'd be dangerous !

    3. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      * I'm * f**king dangerous, Lara. That's why they keep me on these drugs! :))


    4. LaraCroft


      I can get a little cross if the kettle takes too long to boil to make coffee - that's about it !

  9. If my boss ever finds out I don't actually have Tourettes, then I am in big trouble.

  10. If it really didn't matter, you wouldn't be spending so much time thinking about it :)

    1. low plains drifter

      low plains drifter

      Are you the wise philosopher LC ?

    2. revij22


      but it does matter


  11. TEIAM - problem sorted.

    1. The Duncan

      The Duncan

      Someone should make a t-shirt of that lol

  12. Meeting up with an old hunting friend for coffee and some horse chat, £2.90. Watching the face of the woman on the next table, who was listening in to us discussing how to cope with hairy numnahs, and whether we wash our bits in the dishwasher - priceless !

  13. Duvet on - too hot. Duvet off - too cold. One leg out, perfect !!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PIL


      Hahahaha lol

      Sleep tight

    3. RubyTex


      Hmmm sure you are Lara... ;)

    4. unlacedgecko


      you need a sheet and a man, even better than perfect!

  14. " I would like my alarm clock to be louder, and give me more of a heart attack each morning"... said no one in the history of the world. Ever.

  15. If you think women are the weaker sex, just remember the last time you tried to pull the duvet over to your side of the bed !

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. R.A.W


      thats why i wear the onesy.lol

    3. LaraCroft


      You need to get rid of Buzz and swap to Superted lightweight ones for the summer Mr RAW !

    4. walshie


      A good elbow in the ribs releases their grip.

  16. 2 dyslexics run into bank, wave a gun around and shout " air in the hands mother stickers - this is a fcuk up ! "

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LaraCroft


      yep. same 2. I saw them yesterday trying to buy 20 B+H from a tobogganist ....

    3. R.A.W


      i couldn't understand a word of it.

    4. LaraCroft


      It's beyond infinity RAW !

  17. Smile - it makes people wonder what you are up to ! :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LaraCroft


      Oh no ! I'd say "man up ffs, it's only a cold" but you're right, man flu isn't "just" a cold !

    3. paulus


      of cause it aint.......its man flu ffs........lol

    4. revij22


      women just dont understand how bad man flu get,s paul,but i understand pal

  18. Of all the utensils we have invented for eating rice - 2 sticks win ? FFS use a spoon and get over yourselves.

    1. paulus


      never any spoons in our house they all fly south for winter.....lol

    2. R.A.W


      i'll second that one. but there great if your on a diet lol

  19. If my boss tells me once more that I need to "chillax" I may have to "chillstab" her. Annoying cow.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. walshie


      Never even heard the phrase. must be a bumpkin thing. I agree it sounds annoying though!

    3. LaraCroft


      you obviously don't work hard enough Mr Walshie !

    4. stroller


      Said with such heartfelt bitterness, it made me laugh


  20. A whoopee cushion filled with gravy adds a hilarious new dimension to a rather tiresome practical joke

    1. jonah.


      sounds like 1 of viz's top tips...

    2. R.A.W


      lol i'll have to try that one on the mrs. lol

    3. The Duncan
  21. It doesn't matter if you think the glass is half full, or half empty - it is clearly time to get the next round in !

  22. SCAM ! I hate people sending bogus warnings but this is real and important. If someone comes to your door saying they are checking for ticks now the snow is gone, and you need to twirl around in the garden with your clothes off, DON"T believe them - it's a scam - they just want to see you naked. I wish I had seen this yesterday. God I feel so stupid :-(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. micckey


      Are you realy laracroft :)

    3. walshie


      Wish you'd told me sooner. They've been here 5 times now and I fell for it each time.

    4. LaraCroft


      you muppet Walshie ! at least I only fell for it once !

  23. If you can read this... then thank a teacher. And seeing as it is in English, thank a soldier.

    1. PIL
    2. paulus


      i thank my optician.....lol

  24. Anyone got a toothpick ? There is a Smartcar in the grill of my Navarra and the screams are making it hard to hear the radio

  25. The police have released the report into the shooting at the tube station of John Charles de Menezes. They admit they got the wrong guy. They were not after John Charles, they were after his rascally younger brother Dennis.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. stabba


      pathetic ning lol

    3. scothunter


      oh i got the jist of it malt lol it was still shite though

    4. Malt
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