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About GruffaloGriff

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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    In my shed

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  1. Not much on here myself now. Nice to see you haven't lost the touch Gaffer. ATB Griff
  2. Try again with the pics.... Pics of most recent knife & sheath I made. Made a simple clamp with two bits of hinged plywood and 25mm neoprene. Sheets of Kydex off ebay. Heat on a tray in oven to 190 0c, fold around blade, clamp in press. If it is not to your liking, throw it back in the oven and do it again. I use copper brake/ gas pipe for the rivets but you can buy the rivet kits on ebay as well. A few more I have made over the years. ATB Griff
  3. Sorry struggling to add hosted pics. seems to have all changed since last time. copied & pasted BCC code. any suggestions welcome.
  4. I have made a few. Pics of most recent knife & sheath I made. [url=https://flic.kr/p/2pxEdsA][img]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53523165750_41364ee7ed_c.jpg[/img][/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/2pxEdsA]Untitled[/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/154623046@N06/]Terry Griffiths[/url], on Flickr [url=https://flic.kr/p/2pxDDCw][img]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53523055314_bd1550b796_c.jpg[/img][/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/2pxDDCw]Untitled[/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/154623046@N06/]Terry Griffiths[/url], on Flickr Made a simple clamp with two bits of
  5. 5 less now They tend to build up over a few years then mixy clears them out and the cycle starts again. Last year was about as bad as I have seen. Just a handful this year. I have Velux windows in the roof front and rear of my house which give me pretty good visual coverage of my garden which I generally keep clear with a sub FAC .22 AAs410.
  6. Checked the box recently.....and a nest of young rabbits had moved in. Two in the traps and the other three...humanely dispatched.
  7. Not as creepy looking as these. The whole inside of clients kitchen wall was full of them.
  8. Few alternative anvil ideas HERE Quite liking the sledge hammer head in a log. A heavier piece of shaft trough the handle hole for the horn & heel would be my choice but the idea is sound and forklift toes.....
  9. Little project in forge welding chain HERE
  10. If you can cut & weld then you can make/ adapt most of your tool for heating & beating steel. The tongs in first pic above are a pair of long handled nail pullers. On the skip as they had a chunk out of one of the jaws. Welded a couple bits of flat bar on the jaws and they make fantastic forge tongs. Most of my hammers are likewise heads that came off the skip that I put handles on. Any heavy chunk of steel will do for an anvil until you can pick something better up. Proper anvils are expensive but you can still pick them up for a deal if you bide your time and keep your eye
  11. I have 3 forges, none of them cost me any money. Just a bit of time. If you don't have access to recycled/ scrap steel and fire bricks then it will cost you the price of materials. For quick bits of heating/ straightening/ bending/ beating my most used is a basic stainless steel box (old water heater) with fire bricks inside. front is open and top 1/4 on the back open. Powered by an off the shelf (yes i did buy that but not for the forge) big gas blow-torch. Quick to use and no mess. Always intended building a purpose built one on a stand but this works so well i never bothered.
  12. Sorry guys, given up making knives to sell. It never really paid but was fun so didn't mind. Now with the new postal laws for bladed items it is just too much hassle and has taken the fun out of it. Don't know where you are based but THe Sharp Show is happening soon. Loads of custom makers & knives there. Too far away for me but would be fun to go. Regards Griff
  13. Victors are great... and even better when modded so there is no way in except over the kill zone ...even mice can't swipe the bait off a rat trap. + add a kill bar... better still.
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