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About earth-thrower

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  1. This one ain't a mole !.....(last trap o the day, too)
  2. This is only the second time ave had this, in over 30 year, both were still warm. Wonder how common it is for this wee predator, to actively hunt the mole in its tunnel system, or is it more opportunistic ?
  3. Wish I could catch them in this position, every time with the talpex,...
  4. Hardly seen a wasp up here ! long while now, few year ago, plenty,..(Scotland)
  5. Unique work there, mate !
  6. A did notice though, Wales, didn't follow through, or adopt , a mass badger cull, like in England,.......telling or revealing, that ! (well , to me anyway)
  7. It's the naivety, that gets me,...cause they THINK they are SAVING wildlife ! ?
  8. Damn, rise of the 'Fox shooters' (of whatever type, lazy keepers among them) with all the technology to aid them now (yes, I resent them, generally !),..& 'cage trapping' farmers !....(yes, you read right,....well round here anyway) too scared to set a snare,...with the amount of countryside recreation users , nowadays,...all helps accelerate the gradual demise of utilising a 'wire' ,.......
  9. Good for you mate ! ,...heard the farmers gonna charge YOU, for them two, if you want to keep them ! (£50 each ??)
  10. Big decrease in "badger numbers" over large areas of England now, i would have thought ?
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