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Maximus Ferret

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Everything posted by Maximus Ferret

  1. That makes sense to me. Find out whether Buck can or can't pass on what he's got and what types he can best pass it on to. Costs nothing to either side and proves more than any theory anyone can think up.
  2. That's another thing about him. He blatently copies David Attenborough's mannerisms and speech timings. Seems like HE thinks he's the next David Attenborough but he's nowhere even near it. David's done the best ever wildlife documentaries that appeal to people right across the board, whatever their interest in the natural world. Crack'im's just the whining pretender.
  3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2456838/Springwatch-star-Chris-Packham-reveals-love-wildlife-sparked-took-kestrel-chick-nest.html Is Piss Crack'im a bit hypocritical, preaching against fieldsports after illegally taking a kestrel chick and not looking after it very well...... (he was refused a license to take one)
  4. In the past, Southern rabbiters tried to cover up their deficiencies by pretending Northern rabbits are easier to catch....... or is it that Southern rabbits are harder because they're used to being pursued by more expert hunters.... I only know I wouldn't like to be a rabbit anywhere near Ashington?
  5. Braying... haven't heard that for a while. I thought they only said that in Geordieland.
  6. That's the type I used to keep too.
  7. I've had all that happen, Had a dog chew through a door in a friends house while we were out for a beer (bitch on heat of course). When I used to keep terriers they disappeared after stuff regularly including one Christmas day making me miss Christmas dinner. One got stuck in fox tunnels under a ringfort (ancient monument) and I'm not saying whether I dug her out but I was supposed to collect my wages that afternoon and was late and missed it. Daughter of that bitch disappeared after a fox into a badger set of over an acre in area and didn't come out for hours. I could go on and on with this.
  8. looks like they did good for you too.?
  9. Some bike crashes here https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=bait+bike+pranks
  10. He'll be after you now Carl!!! when you go out the house you'd better watch out for short bald men with big bellies.
  11. I'm sad to hear that but you tried for her. Never easy.
  12. It probably would too. I just find it quick and easy to chuck it over my shoulder and I've never been pulled off yet. The nearest I've come was when a fox ran over the road behind the bike. I ended up hopping a couple of paces to avoid falling. It gave a good laugh to the tractor driver following a few metres behind me.?
  13. I rig it up like this:- This leaves your hands free to steer and if the dogs spot game of any kind (and this has happened more than once!) they are pulling from lower doen your body than your arm/shoulder, so your a lot less likely to go over. I still choose quiet roads and quiet times of day. Early morning is good at this time of year and i'd dip them in the river before starting and also in any water along the route. I like to give mine 4 or 5 miles every second day with relaxing riverside walks on days when they're not biking. Biking too much, especially at speeds faster than trot
  14. I've seen collie lurchers that weren't as leggy as that.?
  15. They should be good size and shape to float over that heather land. It'll be like the fens on steroids.
  16. That feeds four but ones a whippet that hardly needs any and ones an older bitch who gets fat easily. The deerhound cross eats a shit ton of meat fat and bone to make up for it. They like ribcages too, (lamb, deer and goat), as a change from chicken necks and I get pig hearts an kidneys too.
  17. You should have worn your hijab so you'd fit in better ?
  18. chicken necks, an out of date burger and out of date turkey steaks, a kilo of minced scraps, and some beef heart.
  19. I like him. He looks fast for a bull cross,what way's he bred?There's a fair bit of forestry in Laois if I remember right. Can he run through it OK or does he knock himself to bits?
  20. There's no best breed really, just what people prefer. I like 'em collie bred, strongly built, and fast for rabbiting on t6he lamp. That's what I've done best with though I did have a Mick Douglas bred Norfolk that was v. good on rabbits and other stuff too. The norfolk was a long time ago and I've no way to scan in his picture unfortunately.
  21. Neither has anyone else. You should have stuck with the borzoi and pug.
  22. You say some really silly kennelblind things John. We've already agreed that people need different qualities in their dogs for different jobs so how is it " spoiling them" if a person breeds the type of dog THEY need rather than the type of dog YOU want them to have???? Are you some kind of dog facist???? Carry on with your type of dog mate, just don't criticise other people for breeding THEIR type rather than yours.?
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