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About jamie7344

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 17/02/1986

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  • Location
    Wales flintshire

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  1. Post of the week that
  2. Dangerous Wild Animals Map WWW.BORNFREE.ORG.UK Are there dangerous wild animals living near you? Check our map to find out!
  3. Counts are coming over in tranny vans now
  4. That 1 made the news because Abdullah saved the day
  5. She's a lovely stamp of a presa......I imported mine from Moldova on the advice of the son of the Spanish fella that first brought presas to the UK the line is known forthe temperament being 100% true to type for a presa canario, there a funny breed different to other dog's I've had I'd say mines by far the cleverest dog I've ever come across and easiest to train but he was alpha male of a pack of 12 if a young dick head had a dog like this walking about the streets it would be an accident waiting to happen but I'd never be without 1 now
  6. Suppose it all depends on the individual dogs and owners I wouldn't advise an inexperienced dog owner to go anywhere near one but like most breeds there are different bloodlines of presa some i'd love to own some i wouldnt go near with a bargepole
  7. Yea mines the same he's bomb proof round me missus little poodles just doesn't like strange males dog or human but the most loyal dog I've ever owned
  8. No mate I ended up with him by accident really and ended up keeping him brains like an old collie very clever dogs
  9. Not a dogo but similar with a very High prey drive
  10. My grandads had it all his life nearly 90 and only just finished working on sites has to have injections every day but it hasn't stopped him living a good life
  11. Fensarefar had a little pure similar to her fastest pure I've seen it was nose to hares tail bend a second
  12. Looks a very good pure that sandman has it produced anything?
  13. A good indica will put you out but you don't feel the head high like a sativa the old grand daddy purple not a bad choice as pure indica smoke
  14. My little girls got 2 shih tzu x poodles bush like f**k on there own and forever catching birds in the garden
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