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Everything posted by Borr

  1. Can we all take a moment of reflection at this point...
  2. Borr

    BBQ Smoker

    Steak and couple of shoulder steaks , last minute again so under pressure of hungry family...lol
  3. Beautiful afternoon just got home fired the BBQ up .
  4. Sorry to hear that samrog, as previously stated poke it down the back of their throat and hold muzzle , I watched a Spanish vet do a dozen dogs in as many minutes , other than a bull cross that refused to open it's trap lol
  5. Think they've said unofficially that they were short staffed one controller to manage helicopters and passenger jets...
  6. I had a 680 , think it was 1/2 and 1/4 choke, lovely gun but bit on the heavy side for a walking gun. It was a sporter, my first proper 12 bore after years of using a single barrel Argyll with a slight bend in the barrel and a bamboo cane ejector lol.
  7. I think Britain, Canada and most of the Western world are envious of our trump. Let's hope poitiere and farage do SIM lar with same gusto
  8. I've watched a few , she's proper opposition lol.
  9. Mandelson has been referred to FBI due to dodgy Chinese connections......
  10. So Rudakubana was charged with murder and making stuff that could be used in terrorism but not charged with terrorism? Is that right? Tommy Robinson was charged under terrorism act for not providing a pin number for his phone?
  11. Thought I recognised him
  12. It's a proud nation , why would they. The guy making those hats is an overnight millionaire the Canadian ones , not Greenland lol there isn't enough Greenlander to warrant it lol.
  13. Biden let 10 million in during his term and created the insanity of safe cities or whatever it's called...I loved the vid of the Haitian rapist thanking Obama and biden before his got thrown in the back of a ice car lol
  14. I think with most of his outlandish comments there's another motive generally around negotiation or a counter , so in the case of Canada , which has run it's economy into the ground , doesn't invest in oil and gas hardware and can only really sell at bottom book to the yanks. Canada also relies on the US for defence and their spending reflects that , and the fact that they've apparently let a large number of illegals cross into the US. There's a decent podcast about Panama, Greenland, chagos etc I'll have a look for it.
  15. 20 million illegals? Working through criminals and associated illegals at a thousand a week? Think there's 18k Indians to return. Obviously the vast majority are south American. Gonna take some amount of time to work through the bad guys before they get to standard illegals but also it should deter some of the ones en route. Can't believe biden apparently imported 700k of illegals on private jets....
  16. As a kid we had a wormery for brandlings , my Oldman brought a stillage back from work (square metal basket about 4'² ) it's was then layed foot of horse manure (well rotted) hessian sacks and newspaper and repeat. Only had to lift a sack and they'd be loads of worms to put in a bait box with a bit of peat .
  17. If it's Iberico that'll only be two dinners lol
  18. Technically it's fooked....
  19. Borr


    You can have a million in your account and still claim pip, and work as long as duties don't adversely affect pip claim reason. UC is totally different though
  20. Borr


    I should have worded it better , I meant to go and spectate , I enjoy watching sumo , the explosive strength is incredible.
  21. Borr


    If I went there which I probably won't , I'd do sumo for sure , crab fishing for the ones that look like samurai, and if feeling particularly morbid I'd check out the suicide woods . Also I heard today off a colleague you can buy used knickers and land from vending machines , so cultural..
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