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Everything posted by Borr

  1. Nah I'm definitely pro reform, I don't see a better option within our democratic process and I don't see a better one historically in any other form of governance.
  2. Ukraine is a sovereign country though and Putin told the west he was doing training exercises on the border. They've killed 1.5 million people between them but Ukraine was never invading Russia so I feel the blame lays at the door of Putin without a doubt .
  3. Do you mean he pulled US troops out of afgan as promised....
  4. I seem to remember a few saying Russia would win in a few days most were shocked by how shit the Russian forces were conscription army and loads of private forces , using prisoners and north Koreans .....
  5. Yeah about right...bit like saying Brexit would mean Costa wouldn't be able to to employ anyone if we left the EU, who cares they never paid much tax and certainly didn't employ many brits
  6. Need to force an election soon, hopefully a vote of no confidence, think of the US and UK alliance if Farage gets in. No rush as I think public opinion has a way to go yet , be good if they could appeal to Scotland somehow . As for Ukraine I don't see the EU getting much of a seat at the table , again Farage has far more chance, vance met with atf in Germany. I think the US are clear in wanting to stem the invasion I mean mass migration...
  7. Another sound fella , although I didn't know he was pro EU , he's right he could hide his cash off sure , they'll always be a loop hole for the wealthy, but he's honest about it, I think there should be a threshold saying 10million on farms , if you've got a 50million farm you can lose a bit over a generation.... That said plenty of farmers voted remain , predominantly so they could keep their eastern Europeans in a caravan out the back...
  8. There's no low you won't stoop to to entice people to Canada , surface dwelling rabbits ....
  9. What's the female version of a hipster , or don't they exist? I've seen the guys , tight jeans long beards real ale stuff.
  10. https://youtu.be/L7ORFsrQyCM?feature=shared Made me laugh, not sure why some links auto embed and some don't.
  11. I'm done , we don't share views , maybe we can agree on that lol
  12. Yes you're correct but they're trying to pass a bill as it's popularity has risen exponentially during the mass migration affecting public health and the NHS . Just a moment... BILLS.PARLIAMENT.UK
  13. I was busy playing football at the park travelling on a Raleigh burner..lol, but no it's clear that when migrant numbers alienate the native pop people take a different view and when they enter politics and alike it increases further then when they try and change laws such as cousin to cousin marriage etc then they can feck off lol
  14. She'll shine in government
  15. For 15% off at places like go outdoors etc the grinder app gets discounts across the board....
  16. A quick Google says they have many predators including sharks, coyote, bears and eagles, I'm gonna say not likely a shark
  17. No but it may have been Muslim/immigrant gangs rapists or mass immigration causing his extremist views , I obviously don't condone his atrocity but generally they don't come out of nowhere, I suppose you could say that the fact most UK terrorists are probably second generation immigrants that don't feel they belong etc. But the simple version is the government and establishment have chosen this path for us and more likely our children.
  18. Many of the UK mass murderers such as hungerford and dunblane from what I know were due to police failings on checks, wasn't the dunblane guy a convicted peado , I maybe wrong. As said we'll have plenty of home grown lunatics with islamic extremists to boot, and what is blatantly obvious is if you allow unchecked illegal migration then you are deliberately causing this harm and should be held accountable
  19. Would you get the Swedish killer if we weren't swamped with Muslim migrants
  20. The reason the UK government has put 'far right extremism' joint top with Muslim extremists is because they know that Europe wide they are creating and provoking it , likes of Merkel and Blair and the whole lot of them are truly responsible for it. Action and reaction...all for the vision of some elites and apologist liberals and socialists and globalists....
  21. Get bad ones in all makes , I'd say the best I've had were vags , worst I've had/known were fords , nissan and anything french lol
  22. If ever we needed capitol punishment back... Possibly a second attacker?
  23. They missed their opportunity to shoot the b*****d then. I'd like to think they'd shoot him and say 'I thought he was holding a det. ' sake
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