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Everything posted by Borr

  1. Borr

    Dry January

    Couple of months back the missus was on about the upstairs toilet , we were stood in kitchen , bog directly above us and she started arguing that it was at the otherside of the house I had to walk away , sometimes it's funny , she wasn't laughing though...
  2. Borr

    Dry January

    I wouldn't ever work with the wife on DIY, it normally starts with her making an illogical suggestion me pointing it out her having a huff and me cracking on, I don't do decorating though and she can paint whatever she wants whatever colour, we're more of a tag team, she generally starts a job makes it so dangerous that I then have to pull my finger out or be liable for it, she's a good motivator .
  3. Borr


    Good riddance Trudeau.... Maybe he'll have a leaving party and don't the ol' black face again...lol
  4. There's various ones but this shows aerial
  5. There's people turning over hundreds of k whilst claiming benefits or massive companies employing people on benefits and people claiming cars and all sorts of incapacity while have more in the bank than most of us will ever see. Seeing is believing , these people must be nuts or ignorant to lose it all and get a criminal record.
  6. Crikey at least it's sorted I watched some of the canal collapse videos boats on there side and pulled down stream jammed against other boat etc ..
  7. Did these earlier , ate too many had garlic yogurt to help wash em down....beef mince, rice, refried beans, taco spices, topped with tomato paste and cheddar.
  8. Well either musks ego took offence to farage commenting that he'd explain TR to him when they speak next ... Or musk feels that by even contemplating TR he'll possibly make Farage appear a far more palatable option to the middle ground UK . To far from reality maybe lol. I don't think reform is in a place to replace Farage. Like the conservatives would've done better under Johnston but it would make for impossible opposition. I think we all got excited about Americans voting for change with some impressive people around trump with real change possible and promised. We got starmer , more of the
  9. It's decent , can believe how slow the bullet was travelling on impact
  10. The agency, prime, decent watch and I rate fassbender as an actor..
  11. I've just done a wedge of stilton and st agur and crackers with my own pickled shallots , death by cheese...
  12. I meant nothing by it , certainly if your immune system is low due to diet stress then I'd say it may improve it . Personally I'd say you either dodge a bug , have an immunity to it or cop it .
  13. I thought the cops were gonna shoot him in the end . Fair play got some balls. But in the land of home invasion , common for kidnap and abductions . Car jacking etc I think you've got to have that mindset. The wealthy can avoid a lot of it in gated communities etc. my Oldman had an American friend from him time in Saudi , a Floridian, who slept with a loaded shotgun under the bed and apparently killed an intruder, he gifted me a gold chain as a kid which was taken in a burglary when I lived in Wales broad daylight.
  14. Tony Martin had the support of the majority of British people I believe , I think if it was legal to shoot burglars there would be far less of it especially on farms and small businesses.
  15. There's plenty of legal migrants claiming benefits, it's an international scam, with people claiming child benefit and the children don't even reside in UK . It's huge , there has been a huge increase in unprovable benefit claim predominantly mental illness /stress etc . I believe there is a new task force being setup to remove the duty from the doctor. It's been allowed to grow far to big. As for illegals they're not allowed to work so receive housing , financial aid and medical treatment at the cost of British people's tax money, which when councils are closing minibus services for handicapp
  16. I've said before , he may be populist , in reality he's filled a void the conservatives left when they moved to centre. Tommy Robinson is small change , his support is minimal , if Farage is aligned publicly with him you can kiss goodbye to reform (as a major party) full stop. Musk can support Robinson as he's pretty much cancel proof. Farage on the other hand is not and has a long way to go if he's going to beat conservatives let alone labour , which are still doing well even if starmer isn't. Even if Farage is a stooge it won't change public opinion, it will push politics to the right a litt
  17. Just a fried rice precooked rice and kept in fridge today's was bacon mushrooms peas and egg , yesterday's had loads of duck , I've still got half a duck which will go in pittas with garlic sour cream tomorrow.
  18. Nice mooch on the dunes done us all some good...
  19. I thought the Gary Oldman one was the arty one lol
  20. I heard Sikhs believe midgets bring good omens during battle..
  21. You shouldn't have, when did you book us in?
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