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Everything posted by OldPhil

  1. If, it is a puncture wound via the wire,..it is best to bath it several times a day with diluted, warm salty water(it will probably sting a mite?) and just allow the dog's tongue to keep the open wound clean...Such frightening looking 'holes' , critter bites, etc , need to heal, from the inside out,..? When you have been around running dogs for many years, you get to see some sights? Experience awards you with a confidence, to deal with such matters,.. but, when you hit the 'not sure ' button and the task looks to be beyond ya,.. its best to find a sympathetic Vet and get the old Ant
  2. Goodonya Bodger and wee Nell? I am of the same mind as you,...also being an aged hunter, I have no need of a world beater,...such a paragon would be wasted on an old fecker like me? Similar to yourself, I keep a Cur bred style of mouching dawg,.. we don't actually catch much game, but its good fun trying...? All the best to you,.. have a great time with your diminutive rabbiting jukel.. Regards, OldPhil.?
  3. Too right...? "Work them hard and treat them like heroes"
  4. That looks a great place to hunt the Roe?
  5. ?I reckon you can definitely overmatch a dog,. .regardless of what discipline it is engaged in...? Physicality, is the same, whatever the activity... Never actually seen, or owned a running dog, with the infamous 'damaged diaphragm' But, I reckon certain types would literally run themselves to a standstill, when pursuing their quarry,.. this has to have some repercussions along the line. Hard thing to prevent though? The best of the best are simply going to go for it regardless of consequence,.. end of story really.. However, I do believe you can mentally ruin a
  6. Lurchers have been my life.... But,.as my days grow ever shorter ,..I fancy a change,.. while there is still time..?
  7. ? One thing I learned several years ago,.. was NEVER to lie...? This was brought home to me one crisp Winter's morning when undertaking a rabbit clearance job... We were ferreting a long hedgerow,.. and doing real well... There was already 38 shushis laid out, all along my side of the hedge, and to anyone turning up, it did look a tad impressive.. My partner was necking rabbits on his side, and he had been chucking his share, over to me. I had decided to leave them in small heaps, to facilitate collection for when we walked back to the truck.. We had fifty plus he
  8. ? Yeah, this must always be, a personal thing,...and all dogs are different, in different ways, so you have to take this fact into account..? Was looking through some old diaries recently,.. (I've kept a diary since the early 1970's)..sad , but true? One page mentioned Bonnie, a home-bred Deerhound/Whippet based lurcher.. "Ran Bonnie last night on Graham's place,.. she only managed 16 rabbits,.. I am not sure she is going the make it".. Checked a few pages back, and the bitch was just 8 months of age,... In the 70's and 80's, we had no manuals to follow and scant dat
  9. Aye, some Beddy / Whippets,... can be keen as feck....?
  10. Get yourself into the timber,.. lay your nets all along the outside runs, adjacent to the fence line,...you will have some grand sport? But keep an eye on the webs, because there is often far more than rabbits, lying up, in plantations?
  11. Canny wee Moucher's jukel? Its a shame we have to get old,.. I have a handy little rabbiting cur, that might have jelled well with your bonny boy...? Best of luck to you,.. kind regards, OldPhil.?
  12. ?We only get £30,... plus extras,.....Hares, Deer's,...rabbits , foxes, and all the rough shooting you want...?
  13. I am reliably informed, that the Operative in question handled the situation,.. with total professionalism...?
  14. I believe that is incorrect Brother.. or ambiguous at best.? Most days, I walk ground that I am trapping moles over,...I also need my canine helpers to find ensconced rats and rabbits, for me and my paying client... If a hare or deer crashes out of cover, or rises from the set aside when I am walking in, couched conies,.. there is little that I can do, to prevent an unintentional catch. To be honest, these accidents happen all to frequently,.. I just wish someone would shoot these noxious pests,.. I am trying to do my job FFS! Stay safe now,...?
  15. Wow, I'm going to have some of that...thanks for the heads up?
  16. Silly poster? Hares can rise at any time when you are walking out,...what can you do ?
  17. Yeah,.. I think as the years roll by, the feeding regime changes alongside...? Its crazy, but when I was lamping most nights, and catching plenty of game, I fed the dogs on a pretty poor diet.. They still did ok, and I often wonder if I was just lucky, or would the jukels have taken more quarry, if I had fed them a superior food? Most nights,.. were Vitalin nights Unbelievable, Muesli style shite,...but there ya go,.. we knew no better, and the dogs ran spot on... Nowadays, I only keep companion dogs, wee Mouchers,.. and we rarely catch much, so I feed what comes my w
  18. Unfortunately lads, this type of foolishness is becoming far more common.? Back in the day, when I was working for several Councils, Local Authorities, Countryside Parks, etc, encountering the public ,could be a right pain.. Some folk have amazing imaginations, and get themselves all worked up over feck all,...God knows what horrors they imagine to be going down.? There is always a temptation to become abusive, and to fight fire with fire, but however tempting,.. this is not the best approach. Indeed, the wording on many contracts often stipulated that we should keep all ne
  19. It was a 9mm...? That wee gun had a special task to perform... For many years, I freelanced on several Holiday Camps .. The rabbits used to sit under the chalets, and if you lay flat , you could just about make out their shapes, in the half light. I used to aim for their twitching whiskered face, and as they kicked and rolled around, I used a bamboo pole with a metal coat hanger, to retrieve my catch..? Most days I did 20 conies, sometimes more... Strange, that in the years to follow, I was employed to look after most of the Holiday camps, in Southern England...
  20. Yeah,. I suppose reading a proud boast, of how a ferreter was collared by a Police Officer, still makes me a bit sad.. Even if the Landowner had reported seeing the fellow, netting up a warren on his land,.. the Officer could still have shown some class and said, "Leave him/them to me Sir,.. I'll give them a proper warning and get them fecked off your land".. Such a task requires no courage or canny police work , after all, a ferreter with nets laid and ferret underground, is unlikely to do a runner.. Rabbiters waiting on a bury are extremely vulnerable,.. they are easily captured .
  21. In my opinion, that Officer is an embarrassment to his profession.. Considering the awful crimes that are being committed, day in, day out,.. what actual policing work did he do ? Ah yes, he found out that a working dog had not been injected, with an identity chip! The remainder of his amazing capture, was childishly easy.. The trespasser freely admitted to the offence and caused him no problems... Why not save all the paperwork, and simply tell him to gather up his ferrets and nets, and get the feck off the land... What must his colleagues think of him....
  22. Yeah, in reality, that is the favourite way to go about the Hunting Life, in this day and age...? Unfortunately,.. and I am sure you know this,...you are in a minority... The facts are, No matter how hard a man works or how much time, effort and good deeds one devotes to gaining good permission.. there is simply not enough places on that Magic Bus.... The majority of lads will not be able to 'get in'....? I know of several keen guys who are in the clique, and can quite literally, do as they please over quality pieces of land. They have worked hard over the years , either su
  23. Great to see youngsters starting out .... those pups look to have nice, compact feet...?
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