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Everything posted by jackthelad

  1. no takeaways in the village i live in and yer a cheeky cnut carry on flag waving ya dumplin
  2. back up aye right mate they only ask for back up when it suits them take it your a member of both? no danger anyone i no that runs lurchers would have anything to do with them but maybe were a minority i dont no what other lads think but feck beeing at the back of anyone in pink breeks
  3. basc ca loada bullshiote standing at shows with straw hats check shirts n braces holding up pink breeks aye that appeals to the man with a lurcher and a lamp get the youngsters involved there the future how many lads that lamp in here actually on perm and actually care if the sports banned or not generations of people been getting on quiet since time imamorial...let the pims brigade and the leftys fight over whats left and well we just keep keeping on
  4. be a bit hot running about with a few running dogs hanging out of that.....
  5. fly wae the craws get shot wae the craws dc that what my aul da used ta say
  6. he comes from the same scheme as me id never heard of him my wee brother told me give him a watch its no my cup a tea but at least hes earning an honest pound and theres a few older lads on his podcasts that are far from wannabees
  7. dont mind the pie n mash that licker the green stuff?
  8. laser quest in glasgow was a crackin place for the neds to hone there skills
  9. had a derhound greyhound was a cnut for it..
  10. not just herding crosses mate seen a few do it and owned one
  11. whats the laws like on poaching over there?
  12. when i was younger one of the older lads had a miniture pinchser i never saw it go but a good pal of mine told me they had dug a few foxes with it
  13. Bit bull in these deerhound crosses puts a bit of want back into them bitch on the left is a pleasure to have around great manners I think the bull mixes well temperament wise in this x
  14. what kinda weight be in a big fallow buck mate?
  15. same here mate if a lurcher wont jump if a lurcher wont jump your missing a hell of a lot of stuff be it hedges or fences it needs go through or over whatevers in front of it withing reason if i see a dog pull up at a fence or hedge in my eyes its a non trier ...and opening gates....haha thats a red card here mate what about the racket?
  16. things we really want money cant but tho can it
  17. life would be a much duller journey without the likes of morton an aul bill hardie....bill was class mon bill get thee sell bk in ere
  18. i had a roe last season had 3 legs with a deformed leg growing from the back of its neck but it was fat and healthy otherwise god no,s how it had survived so long
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