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Everything posted by jackthelad

  1. my mrs wee dog had a right few hares 16 inch to the shoulder first x pat whippet....right oot there seats
  2. papa roach mate different clan
  3. totally agree mate its just in us...... wasnt that long ago we where painting ourselves blue and causing a nuisance
  4. my mate runs saluki bred dogs and they come back fine tbh there never been my cup of tea after an emotional incident with a saluki greyhound belonging to my brothers palls da...slipped it on a hare an it wasnt saw for 6 weeks haha...katchums uncles dog btw haha....an i havent a clue what your dogs recalls like bugger all like big rorys i hope
  5. pair of crackers mate very best of luck with them....and shining like new pins to
  6. glad you found em ken ...did ya sort the itchy beard bother?
  7. loada rough farm tracks i walk the dogs on what ther like over made up roads dc we guy i no exercises his terriers with one an he told me it was his second battery was shizen on the first one
  8. Heard the battery’s are shit in em ?
  9. any lads in here got one...recommend a bike for exercising the dogs that wont cost a fortune .... any lads got one for sale?
  10. crackin pup mate nice size nut on her eh size do you think she will go?
  11. my mrs had a first x pat whippet just like that wee thing cracking wee dog she was and mustard on the rats ...are the two them whippet terrier crosses mate?
  12. christ them things i can remember my mate taking them fishing absolutely rank and wrong haha
  13. cracking band ....rip jake tweet tweet big man
  14. been lookin at this like whats he on about....haha then read pendas an tippled ...16 hours took me to get that ffs
  15. nah mate looked like a big beagle cross was about 25 tts beagle lookin head n ears it loved the roe
  16. my mates uncle brought a mongrely houndy looking thing back from spain i think this bitch had been running about the mountains fending for itself....the bitch hunted for fun helluva nose on it i said to him put a grey or whippet over her but he never did...she used to come working away on the islands with us i walked her in the evenings after work and really enjoyed her company nice bitch she was
  17. il reply once your a snake and iv never lifted a dog in my life so whoever feeding you shite there as bad as you
  18. looks like the badgers had a wee chew on his ear before he came round
  19. gives a shout anytime your up don my nephews running about with jg son with the dogs just now and there mad for the fishing and lurchers so that pup will see a bit the sire to thems been a good dog for me so fingers crossed his pup keeps him happy
  20. Aye looks like he going be a big lump sires 28 an bitch 25 26 sure that big hairy bull deerhound Dai had was around 30 inch?
  21. Nephew used my bull deer grey over his saluki bull grey bitch this the pup he’s keeping and cracker it is to Dai dogs of here’s big hairy bull deerhounds the grand sire
  22. hes a grass dunno why any you give him the time off day
  23. was just thinking the same king...an a lot of guys posting on this are def going to the bad fire
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