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Everything posted by Stavross

  1. I always take the work when it’s there, because one day it might not be, it’s a shame a lot of the young’uns aren’t like that, the amount we’ve had that want a few quid and manage a day before rapping is ridiculous, I’ve given up asking now and just do it myself
  2. Sausage and mash with a shallot gravy, I’d of liked to of left the shallots chopped, like proper onion gravy, but she won’t eat it like that so has to be wizzed up, says she doesn’t like onions but they go in almost everything I cook, she’s a strange one
  3. All timbers cut and fitted, he didn’t trust me to box out for the velux so he did that, must of thought I’d worn my tape measure out doing everything else, anyway, another skill learned today
  4. Roofing today, I was meant to be off this week but I can’t help myself
  5. I know, but come on, they are bloody rabbits, most normal people keep them in a hutch and don’t get their husband to build them their own shed and are 8 not 38 ( by the way, I wouldn’t say this to her )
  6. I haven’t had that for years, I used to love that neon green stuff my nanna used to get from the pop man when I was a kid
  7. Laminate flooring in the rabbits shed, don’t ask, I don’t know why, she’s mental and I just want a quiet life ( lol )
  8. Roast tomato, pepper and garlic pasta, topped with Parmesan and homemade garlic bread
  9. She wants padding up with the likes of that lass I know or the Joanna dennehy someone who will proper open her up, I might be wrong but I think she only the 4th woman to be given a whole life term
  10. Like i said, i can only go of what she told me, she the only woman i know who’s been in jail and she says it’s an easy life, but i suppose if it’s all you know then you make it what you want it to be
  11. Low newton is cat A and it has a forensic unit, there’s going to be a lot of people who want to get inside that messed up head
  12. I’ve never been to prison and certainly never a women’s, but that lass has been in every one in the north of England and she said anyone doing a long stretch soon settles in and kid killers don’t get treated like men do, I can only take her word for this because I have no experience of it, and I wouldn’t argue with her because she’d batter me ( lol )
  13. I love it when I’m left at home on my own, it’s better than a holiday
  14. Last week I was talking to a lass I know about her, this lass has done a lot of jail, ( mainly for drug offences) I said she’s going to get a whole life term and I hope she get tortured in jail, the lass said to me she’ll be put somewhere like Low Newton, get tucked in with big butch on the wing and set up a little home together, she said women’s prisons are nothing like men’s, which is a terrible shame as she should be terrified and in pain every day for the rest of her life, the sick bitch
  15. Chocolate ginger cake and custard, it’s become a Sunday staple now, I do a dinner and some sort of cake, drop my mam her dinner off and then drop some cake off for the mother-in-law
  16. Pot roast beef today, cooked in stock, carrots, shallots, tomatoes, peppercorns and thyme. Wizzed up to make the gravy. Garlic and thyme roast spuds, cream mash, homemade sage and black pepper yorkie spuds and a bit of veg
  17. Spicy veg stew All the veg out the fridge, cooked in tomato, white wine, garlic and black pepper, with chilli, topped with Parmesan, lovely
  18. Full chicken dingdong tonight
  19. At my other job just before 5 this morning
  20. Seen pizza dough sheets in Asda the other day, thought, I’ll give that a go, they are a revelation, passata with chilli and garlic in, mozzarella, cheddar, red onion, peppers and chicken did some homemade garlic wedges to go with it
  21. Done ( again ) new cable in, pad in and concrete in trench, just got to come all the way back tomorrow to put the cold lay tarmac in
  22. Working at a place just near Hylton Castle, it seems to be quite a bit of council housing but looks a nice place
  23. I could of stopped him from breathing when he told me ( lol )
  24. I’m about to lose my sh*t with this lad, nightmare of a day again and now he’s just said the cable is the wrong spec and has had a 100 meter drum dropped off
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