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Everything posted by LuckOrJudgement

  1. Interesting. Might try cooking up a candle and add some flavours. Like the waxblock rodenticide baits....
  2. I put a victor in a camera proven soffit where a solitary rat was hanging out. It was baited with Nutella/ Peanut butter mix and it took 6 weeks before that rodent succumbed to temptation. Even then, the bugger was laid in front of the trap with the mark of the kill-bar across its neck - as if it had managed to pull free just before it died.
  3. Veganism is trendy at the moment. But it's concrete that's destroying the planet, not bacon and brisket.
  4. Can I put last year's tax bill down as a deductable business expense?
  5. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee...
  6. I stand corrected. It's the degree of holdover that gets affected by changing the magnification at a given range. If you always shoot at the same setting this isn't a problem.
  7. I always thought it was only mag that effected zero? As in first and second focal plane?
  8. Reminds me of the blurb that comes with Weihrauch guns, which says something along the lines of 'If your pellets are not hitting the target, then you are pointing the rifle in the wrong direction.' Which in the case of my 97, is perfectly true.
  9. Quite interesting from a historical perspective. Hadn't realised that Si and Davy partnership started with a ruck over rimfire!
  10. Nice going. Better than laying poison. Does this place use rodenticide also?
  11. Got to put yourself in the landowners shoes.If someone I knew and hitherto trusted announced to me that they'd passed the perm to a stranger, I'd be seriously worried and feel completely shat-on. In my opinion that's seriously bad form.
  12. Very mixed reviews on that scope. Flog it and start over. Otherwise you'll just end up hating your hobby.
  13. There was one where it took him 20 minutes to explain how to dilute Nutella with vegetable oil ( for rat bait). It made me punch me lap top. The standard of Airgun vids has been improving in recent times, but my god, there are still some guys on YouTube who should never have a camera anywhere near them. Not that they ain't great shots or promoting shit gear, or talking complete bollocks....(not all of them, anyway) no, they just produce really, really shit videos. A camcorder strapped to a gun doesn't automatically turn you into Francis Ford Copolla.
  14. That is one helluva pelt. Reflects no light at all
  15. Happy Christmas one and all. Remember to get your meat up to room temperature before you shove it in tommorow x
  16. Interesting thread. Whilst I'm all for non toxic monitoring , I think we may all be being taken for a ride by the big suppliers- and being blind sided to simple first principles. For example, if you had a cheese factory contract, it stands to reason that you would use cheese as a monitoring bait, not some wax/grain composite that probably tastes shit. Has anyone actually tasted a non toxic monitoring bait from the manufacturers? Would you use it to bait a trap?!
  17. That is a top tip. I find a small target- 4mm diameter max - really gets you to concentrate and focus. A large target tends to breed complacency, which leads to bad habits. I came back to Airguns a couple of years ago after a long break, and its taken quite a bit of relearning as an older hand. I think I was more instinctive when I was younger. Now I have to put in the practice and do it by the numbers. But I enjoy it more.
  18. Putting pcp's to shame again, Mark.?
  19. 97 in .177 is great for static pest control tactics. Won't let you down and so accurate. I was shooting bluebottles at 20 metres the other day from a hide. Not much meat on them, mind!
  20. The law's the law and a law unto itself. Stay safe and abide by it. (And even then, if they want your gun; they will take it.)
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