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Everything posted by LuckOrJudgement

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/apr/30/chris-packham-reveals-death-threats-made-in-bird-shooting-row
  2. Parliament should be scoured clean. The way they've conducted themselves lately is shameful.
  3. My neighbour is a big lady. Quite attractive though. I'm thinking about asking her out on a date.
  4. It's a sad day. Hopefully sense will prevail. It's not the f***ing rain forest. Our UK countryside is a managed environment and the people being penalised by Packham are the ones who care most about conserving it and keeping it balanced.
  5. That post was delayed by the WiFi here dropping out. I heard the crank caller. Bless her heart.
  6. It's coming up as a discussion topic on the Jeremy Vine Radio2 show in a minute.
  7. It's coming up as a discussion topic on the Jeremy Vine Radio2 show in a minute.
  8. I have just subscribed to the Wild Justice news letter. Will be worth it to keep an eye on these people, and what it is they are getting up to. I cycled past a crop yesterday with at least 400 pigeon on it, scoffing it down. All well and good scaring em off - they'll only go and eat someone else's. You can't tell me, that in an age where climate change means growers need all the help they can get, that the government is going to let these twats have their way?
  9. I've had voles and mice before. Shame about the weasel. Amazing little creatures. Wasn't happy about where it got him, low down on the body. Either going at a hell of a speed or the jaws dragged on something.
  10. Had doubles before but never like this one. Weasel was wearing the trigger round his neck. I guess it was going to be a bad day for Moley, putangue or no putangue. Death was going to find him either way.
  11. https://ratpak.co.uk/bmi-bodygrip-securing-clips Might be handy. Screw onto top of wooden stake then drive it into the ground.
  12. Shooting rats with Airguns is great sport. When I'm asked to deal with rats in a garden as a pest control job, it's now my method of first resort. Find a good spot, make meself comfortable and pick em off. Just as absorbing as angling, and way better for wildlife than laying down poison.
  13. I use mine in a square plywood tunnel for squirrels. There's a slot cut out accommodate the spring when it fires. I use a wooden wedge to make sure the trap is secure and stable. This wedge is pushed down between the ply and the rivet that forms the hinge on the opposite side to the spring. This really locks the trap into place whilst still allowing it to fire normally. You might be able to do a similar thing using stakes?
  14. Good pics. Interesting that you observe a season. Do you knock it on the head around the same time every year?
  15. I can only speak for the NiteSite Viper as it's the only one I've used, and then only for static ratting. It's good enough at limited ranges and it's inexpensive. Biggest drawback for me is the screen glare. Everyone's eyes are different but I found if I stare at the screen it leaves me blind as a bat in total darkness. Also centering the picture and getting the right balance between target image and reticle focus can be a fiddle. If I was buying again I'd definitely be checking out the Pard unit.
  16. Got it with a BMI 110 set in a tunnel outside the building. Its balls were huge. Like plums. Only bigger.
  17. When I got my Meteor 45 years ago, a greenhouse was the first thing I shot with it!
  18. I should add that up to now I'd always been a 'thumber'.
  19. Do any of you with springers routinely use a tool to seat pellets in the breech? I've started seating on every shot and have noticed a definite tightening of the groupings. Or is this just my imagination?
  20. I usually do mate but I was so convinced that this was squirrel heaven I didn't bother. Just goes to show about assumptions being the mother of all feck ups.
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