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Everything posted by Arry

  1. Arry


    OT your are a real Twat end of. Cheers Arry
  2. Yea us ruffly tufty hunters are soft as shit when it come to the wild birds, cost me small fortune feeding them. Do love me birds though. Had a Robin come down about a yard way at eye level on me apple tree and start sing his head off, like to think he's saying thank you who knows. Cheers Arry
  3. Carrot cover. I think I'm very lucky with the weather down here and I do appreciate it. Runners you can see the stagger in the first four and the second four. First ones flowering on the bottom but lower ones don't usually come to much but there seems to be loads of bees around this year. Cheers Arry
  4. No mate it is Cabbage root fly the feckers even using collars I usually lose a few. Carrot fly I use hoops and Micro Mesh bloody good stuff. If you go back a few pages you will see I made cloche up using light weld mesh and Micro Mesh, I have two, so handy. I would highly recommend them grew the lettuce under them, I have put fleece on as well before now as well as the Micro to keep frost off. Cheers Arry
  5. I hope he does come back with more info. He sounds legit but who knows. Nice to know were he is and if he is in UK. Cheers Arry
  6. Been funny old year mate need some bloody sunshine. Do plant me Toms early mind, had a cracking row of lettuce weather must have suited them. Bean I've staggered more this year pinched the first 4 runners out foot from top rail this morning they will still go over the top, if you get what I mean. I don't grow spuds haven't got much ground and bloody blight is a bugger round here. Cabbage root fly is my biggest problem at the moment, all sent to try us gardeners though Lol. Cheers Arry
  7. Good photos mate but poor little feckers look right drowned and pissed off. Cheers Arry
  8. Thats what I was wondering Socks its the guy first and only post so far. Cheers Arry
  9. Tomato's doing well. Just an update daily about the blight resistant ones I'm growing. This is Crimson Crush F1 say's it's for outdoor but I'm growing in the green house. Blight resistant. This is Mountain Magic F1 indoor or out door much small tomatoes. Blight resistant. This is Shirley F1 and has a touch of early blight which I've ordered some Copper Sulphate to stay on top of. Don't laugh at my bits of net and string its to stop the truss hitting the ground and spoiling. Along with Shirley the Sun Gold both have slight early blight but the other two are
  10. Arry


    This I can't under stand to desert your voters and still think you have their support. Cheers Arry
  11. Just cropped it. Cheers Arry
  12. Arry


    Labour's Tom Watson come out saying Labour should be pro EU. True colours being shown the anti democratic b*****ds. Cheers Arry
  13. Lightened it up a bit. Cheers Arry
  14. You lucky lads. Mind did get a phone call Lol. Cheers Arry
  15. Put out sultanas for the Black Birds and get quite a few and all have their own characters, even had one cheeky one come in the kitchen when the door was left open and was helping himself. This is a this years young one we call ginger. Cheers Arry
  16. Wasn't it postal votes that were supposed to have been burnt, surely there the ones that would have been vulnerable as they got returned. Cheers Arry
  17. 60 to 65 for 4 hours and a bit more if needed for the last batch turned out good made it a bit sweeter this time add a bit more Maple syrup. Whisky will give that a try, just trying a bottle of Shackleton by Mackinlay's. Saw a documentary about them finding some bottles of Whisky under a hut in Antarctica that belonged to Ernest Shackleton his own blend. This guy had I think it was tree bottles in a suit case chained to his wrist and brought them back to Scotland to try and recreate this blend. This bloke had a nose that was insured for millions and went around picking barrels to make the orig
  18. Got some mate, will have to do another batch, what a shame. Cheers Arry
  19. Keep an eye on them mate, not many people will be thinking mushrooms as its early because of the wet weather. Next week I will be looking in my favourite spots. Is this the same spot you found them last year mate. Cheers Arry
  20. If they are fit and young if its giant puff balls clean white all the way through, if they are starting to go purple I would leave. Let them get bigger about the size of a small foot ball mate good eating, thin slices 5mm - !0mm thick. I can't tell what you have there mate it's the size that counts with giant puff ball, safe as houses if the size of a small foot ball or larger. Could be good for a few fungi in the next few weeks after that rain and getting warmer, bit early for most but it's the conditions are right we might get a flush. Cheers Arry
  21. Could do with him around my way. Cheers Arry
  22. Thanks Gav Signed Cheers Arry
  23. Christ I was only 10 year old when this came out but remember it from the radio and me mother dancing around and sing to it. Cheers Arry
  24. Because the press hate the Brexit Party and are bias as feck, the Tory's, Labour Part, Lib Dem's, the Green Part and all the other Independent Party's hate the Brexit Party more than they hate each other. So it will be swept under the carpet while they all try to cover it up. Cheers Arry
  25. Fond memories of putting this on a juke box in a little cafe on the cliff among the chalets which we used to say in for many years at Whitsands bay Cornwall. Cheers Arry
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