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Literally sat waiting for a phone call for worst case scenario contingency . look at this country , look at our case of self importance. I’ve got lads literally waiting to go and get hands on. In

The boy helping me with some trapping. Obviously he isn’t handling Mk6’s......that would be fcuking irresponsible! ?    

This is the latest drawing.

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57 minutes ago, baker boy said:

Its been discredited mate, I'm a H&S rep for the RMT, I was sent it and it was circulated to other departments in the industry, I questioned it and found out it was false

Baker Boy I take it you work for the Railway, I was sent an email from work minutes after Boris made his speech saying I must attend work as I am a key worker I work in operations response. 

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2 hours ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

staff have been sent this:

This is the advice given to hospital staff.
It explains the virus and hopefully, how to prevent getting it.
Please share with family, friends and work colleagues.

Virus Detection:

The simplest way to distinguish Coronavirus from a Common Cold is that the COVID-19 infection does not cause a cold nose or cough with cold, but it does create a dry and rough cough.
The virus is typically first installed in the throat causing inflammation and a feeling of dryness. This symptom can last between 3 and 4 days.
The virus typically then travels through the moisture present in the airways, goes down to the trachea and installs in the lungs, causing pneumonia that lasts about 5 or 6 days.
Pneumonia manifests with a high fever and difficulty breathing. The Common Cold is not accompanied, but there may be a choking sensation. In this case, the doctor should be called immediately.

Experts suggest doing this simple verification every morning: Breathe in deeply and hold your breath for 10 seconds. If this can be done without coughing, without difficulty, this shows that there is no fibrosis in the lungs, indicating the absence of infection. It is recommended to do this control every morning to help detect infection.

The virus hates heat and dies if it is exposed to temperatures greater than 80°F (27°C). Therefore hot drinks such as infusions, broths or simply hot water should be consumed abundantly during the day. These hot liquids kill the virus and are easy to ingest.
Avoid drinking ice water or drinks with ice cubes.

Ensure that your mouth and throat are always wet, never DRY. You should drink a sip of water at least every 15 minutes. WHY? Even when the virus enters water or other liquids through the mouth, it will get flushed through the oesophagus directly into the stomach where gastric acids destroy the virus. If there is not enough water, the virus can pass into the trachea and from there to the lungs, where it is very dangerous.

For those who can, sunbathe. The Sun's UV rays kill the virus and the vitamin D is good for you.
The Coronavirus has a large size (diameter of 400-500 nanometers) so face masks can stop it, no special face masks are needed in daily life.
If an infected person sneezes nearby, stay 10 feet (3.3 meters) away to allow the virus fall to the ground and prevent it from falling on you.
When the virus is on hard surfaces, it survives about 12 hours, therefore when hard surfaces such as doors, appliances, railings, etc. are touched, hands should be washed thoroughly and/or disinfected with alcoholic gel The virus can live nested in clothes and tissues between 6 and 12 hours. Common detergents can kill it. Things that cannot be washed should be exposed to the Sun and the virus will die.
The transmission of the virus usually occurs by direct infection, touching fabrics, tissues or materials on which the virus is present.
Washing your hands is essential.
The virus survives on our hands for only about 10 minutes. In that time many things can happen, rubbing the eyes, touching the nose or lips. This allows the virus to enter your throat. Therefore, for your good and the good of all, wash your hands very often and disinfect them.
You can gargle with disinfectant solutions (i.e. Listerine or Hydrogen Peroxide) that eliminate or minimize the amount of virus that can enter the throat. Doing so removes the virus before it goes down to the trachea and then to the lungs.
Disinfect things touched often: mobile phone, keyboard, mouse, car steering wheel, door handles, etc ....

Sent in to us just now and we wanted to share this knowledge & advice with you all.

Please do the same and take care!


A nurse should know better...


That's basic hocus pocus! I know why don't you glug some snake oil as well for good measure. 


All of these pseudo science advice things that get whatsapped and emailed around are bad news. They only serve to spread confusion and worsen panic. 

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9 minutes ago, Balaur said:

Well , hardly...drinking plenty of fluids is always a good idea , sunshine is a good source of vitamin d and good for the mind, UV does kill a lot of bugs. I wouldn't treat it as gospel by a long shot but does contain elements of common sense 

I don't think any of it would hurt but it potentially leads people to believe certain actions are safer than they really are. For instance the runny nose thing, that's not accurate, but might lead someone to self diagnose a cold and then negligently interact with others.

Edited to add. I don't think we should be giving anyone a hard time over such things. There's a desperate thirst for 'what to do'.

Edited by Born Hunter
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12 minutes ago, Born Hunter said:

I don't think any of it would hurt but it potentially leads people to believe certain actions are safer than they really are. For instance the runny nose thing, that's not accurate, but might lead someone to self diagnose a cold and then negligently interact with others.

Edited to add. I don't think we should be giving anyone a hard time over such things. There's a desperate thirst for 'what to do'.

You’ve just killed your own theory there with the line that  people will misdiagnose and assume it’s a cold. 

People shouldn’t be mixing full stop. 


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Pussies the lot of ya. I'm on day 8 of lockdown and only just started wearing the cats head and borrowing clothes from my elderly neighbour (obviously she doesn't know).... stock up with beer, acid and salt and vinegar squares ;)

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1 minute ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

You’ve just killed your own theory there with the line that  people will misdiagnose and assume it’s a cold. 

People shouldn’t be mixing full stop. 


But people are still mixing, in the UK and globally. False or misleading information isn't going to help that situation. If someone isn't sure if they have COVID19 then they are likely to be more cautious than if they are sure they just have a cold.

Nothing that you posted is likely to be critical to public health but all the same it's not accurate.

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6 minutes ago, Rusty_terrier said:

Is that a symptom?

Me and my boy had sickness and the shits a few days ago. During the night I was sweating like f**k but felt freezing shaking. Then the next few days I had a tightness when taking a deep breath and sore throat/cough. Put it down to it being from puking.


Thought it was a cough and persistent fever ?




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4 minutes ago, Rusty_terrier said:

Is that a symptom?

Me and my boy had sickness and the shits a few days ago. During the night I was sweating like f**k but felt freezing shaking. Then the next few days I had a tightness when taking a deep breath and sore throat/cough. Put it down to it being from puking.


Thought it was a cough and persistent fever ?

Had those symptoms myself christmas time. Was shitting like what seemed like every hour, but didn't have a bad guts. Don't know what it was really, didn't go to the doc's, and hadn't heard of coronavirus til this last few weeks. 

Keep your nipper away from everyone fella. We doing it with our youngest, and he's 12 ?

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