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I say this without any hint of trying to be a smart arse prick.........I just can't see the logic in the fact that all lads would condem child rape but some lads happily condone kids being cut into little bits, those bits pulled out of the womb one at a time and stacked on a tray to be counted to make sure you got all the arms, torso, head, legs !!


It is so grotesque it beggars beleife and yet perfectly kind, normal people think it's fine?


I'm sorry, but I will never ever think that's fine same as I will never ever think raping a child is fine.......I just don't see how you can differentiate between the terrible.

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It should be a free choice. Too many unwanted kids in the world anyway........that go on to suffer the worst abuse you can imagine. Some of those kids would of been better off not being born at all...

bit bored ? I very much doubt you would pose this question to a room full of strangers so why should you think it's ok from behind your keyboard, I expect amongst your invisible audience there are peo

Why should someone tell another person what they can or cant do just because they disagree with something

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I say this without any hint of trying to be a smart arse prick.........I just can't see the logic in the fact that all lads would condem child rape but some lads happily condone kids being cut into little bits, those bits pulled out of the womb one at a time and stacked on a tray to be counted to make sure you got all the arms, torso, head, legs !!


It is so grotesque it beggars beleife and yet perfectly kind, normal people think it's fine?


I'm sorry, but I will never ever think that's fine same as I will never ever think raping a child is fine.......I just don't see how you can differentiate between the terrible.

sorry i dont see any comparison between the two things you mention

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Just to add, I once thought like many others.......it was just another medical procedure like pulling a tooth or tonsils or such like.

Everyone has a right to choose that right?

So, I never really thought about it.......the medical people and everyone else describe as another ordinary every day thing so that's what it is.......move along right ?


Except it's not.......I educated myself about things durin my wife's 5 pregnancies and one of which was a miscarriage.


And when I learned what it actually involved, what the reality was I just could not ever support such a thing.......when you know!.......when you know the reality, how could you ?

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I say this without any hint of trying to be a smart arse prick.........I just can't see the logic in the fact that all lads would condem child rape but some lads happily condone kids being cut into little bits, those bits pulled out of the womb one at a time and stacked on a tray to be counted to make sure you got all the arms, torso, head, legs !!

It is so grotesque it beggars beleife and yet perfectly kind, normal people think it's fine?

I'm sorry, but I will never ever think that's fine same as I will never ever think raping a child is fine.......I just don't see how you can differentiate between the terrible.


sorry i dont see any comparison between the two things you mention

A terrible thing inflicted on a child who has no power to stop it.....that's what I mean mate.

I'm not really getting into a rhicter scale of if rape or dismemberment is worse......that's not what I meant.

To me, they are equally as terrible.

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I say this without any hint of trying to be a smart arse prick.........I just can't see the logic in the fact that all lads would condem child rape but some lads happily condone kids being cut into little bits, those bits pulled out of the womb one at a time and stacked on a tray to be counted to make sure you got all the arms, torso, head, legs !!

It is so grotesque it beggars beleife and yet perfectly kind, normal people think it's fine?

I'm sorry, but I will never ever think that's fine same as I will never ever think raping a child is fine.......I just don't see how you can differentiate between the terrible.

sorry i dont see any comparison between the two things you mention

A terrible thing inflicted on a child who has no power to stop it.....that's what I mean mate.

I'm not really getting into a rhicter scale of if rape or dismemberment is worse......that's not what I meant.

To me, they are equally as terrible.


ok i now understand what you say :thumbs:

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BBC2 9:00pm tonight

Abortion on trial.

Anne Robinson brings together a group of people with conflicting views on abortion to ask if the law is fit for purpose in 2017.


i think a majority people think it's not long enough thats why thay want to extend it to 27 weeks.

i won't be watching it.it makes me sick.

I never knew that, 27 weeks?!!!!!...........I watched a very dear friend of mine and his mrs go through absolute hell for months praying that their little girl (born at 24 weeks) would find the strength to live.

When I held that little girl at her 1st birthday party it was one of the most happy and emotional events of my life.

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I'm not getting into the rights and wrongs about this unsavoury business, but I've watched day time TV before and I think there should be more of it :icon_eek:

This is not about life or death its about existence and input to society. Fukc that sounds a bit HItler like. But feck me there's some people that shouldn't be allowed to breed.

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To add something else, please don't think I am condemning women who go through such a procedure......many are sold the "just another ordinary procedure" line by medical practitioners.


But for many women, it's not, the aftermath is terrible......and that's even if they don't know the full facts of what happens.

Imagine if they find out what actually happens?.......it must be awful for them.


Guilt, shame, anguish.......being a mum is a very, very powerful thing even if you never get to meet that infant.

It gos beyond logic and science........there is and always will be a connection for that lady, medical science can't deal with that.

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I'm not getting into the rights and wrongs about this unsavoury business, but I've watched day time TV before and I think there should be more of it :icon_eek:

This is not about life or death its about existence and input to society. Fukc that sounds a bit HItler like. But feck me there's some people that shouldn't be allowed to breed.

No, it really is just about life or death mate.

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I'm not getting into the rights and wrongs about this unsavoury business, but I've watched day time TV before and I think there should be more of it :icon_eek:

This is not about life or death its about existence and input to society. Fukc that sounds a bit HItler like. But feck me there's some people that shouldn't be allowed to breed.

No, it really is just about life or death mate.



I can't get into to life and death discussion considering what is going on in the world at the mo.

Personally I think its a shame that people feel the need to get rid of a fetus or a baby, because of pressures that come from society, mostly financial.

Every case is different and judging a person is too complicated for a simple answer.

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We and others in the name of democracy and freedom have been dropping bombs on actual living breathing kids for decades. Most of the pieces of them are never found. But we seem to accept that as colleteral damage!


And in those cases no choice was ever given

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BBC2 9:00pm tonight

Abortion on trial.

Anne Robinson brings together a group of people with conflicting views on abortion to ask if the law is fit for purpose in 2017.


i think a majority people think it's not long enough thats why thay want to extend it to 27 weeks.

i won't be watching it.it makes me sick.

I never knew that, 27 weeks?!!!!!...........I watched a very dear friend of mine and his mrs go through absolute hell for months praying that their little girl (born at 24 weeks) would find the strength to live.

When I held that little girl at her 1st birthday party it was one of the most happy and emotional events of my life.

Me and me mrs went through similar with our baby girl she was born at 26 weeks for something so delicate they are such tough little fighters, fair play wilf you sound like a good man ??

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It's something I really don't know where I stand if I'm honest. I have 3 beautiful girls and lost my son 8 hours after birth and if I got a woman pregnant by accident and she wanted rid I would happily give up work and take the child full time. I think that's due to the fact I couldn't bear the thought of purposely choosing for my flesh and blood to be removed.


However if someone told me they where going to have an abortion and they weren't direct family I wouldn't discuss it or even spend a second thought on it

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