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Daniel cain

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Everything posted by Daniel cain

  1. waiting for a dry spell to finish pointing the "2 hour" patio?
  2. I'd like to see her make 100 yrs old tbh...but I think she won't make Xmas?
  3. I hope she banishes that little ginger prick and that f***ing lap dancer he married for good....then williebum and Kate keep it going and stamp their authority ??
  4. always good not to follow the crowd ?
  5. bottom picture deffo the tastiest looking Mack??
  6. or you can always part loan/share one,quite popular these days...we pay £180 per month,kids and Mrs get to go up and ride her when they want then without the extra cost of the farrier and vets bills?
  7. all 3 of mine can ride....keeps them off the streets,and mixing with a better sort??
  8. I've always let them mouth and hold a few in purse nets...then when they are switched on,lift the nets and let the dog make its own catches,will obviously miss a few to start,give plenty of praise....I've never had a runner that wouldn't chase and catch a rabbit...had a few that spat something bigger out first time ?
  9. Remember my old games teacher Killer ( Mr Alan Jones... Sadistic cnut?) at my old comprehensive school, forcing the coloured lads to swim a lenght of the pool,while everyone else laughed our f***ing heads off?.....that eddy the eel guy looked effortless compared to these 3 poor cnuts???...it's true,they can't swim for shit...not even the birds with big tits?
  10. Cheers mate,I'm abit limited on where I can set them local enough... so I can check them twice a day, and they not seen by the hoards of nosing dog walkers?
  11. Well after listening to you lads and tweaking my wires,I'm off the mark?,only the one but it's a start??Thank you to all you lads for sharing your knowledge and not ripping the piss? ?
  12. discarded rubbish is the least of our problems on the rivers over here....the amount of waste and shit flowing into our rivers is not good ?..I've noticed a massive difference the last 2/3 yrs,spots you were garenteed to catch are devoid of fish?
  13. no f***ing loss,let's be honest... with some luck be a few more following him...they choose to live the way they do...then f**k em all?
  14. Busy with work commitments this yr mate?
  15. More chance of Socks growing back all his fingers or lurcherman getting the snip..than you wet wipes making it down to the fishing comp....?
  16. do they not dock the tails over with you mate?
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