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lurcher2020 last won the day on November 30 2014

lurcher2020 had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

285 Excellent

About lurcher2020

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    near glasgow
  • Interests
    Shooting, lurchers, terriers and ferrets love it all

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  1. Thanks for the replies will look into it
  2. Hi all i recently got my first shotgun cert and am looling for some information on buying cartridges my question is can you buy bulk online and if so what do you need do you need to send a photocopy of your cert and do you have to deliver to a gunsmiths or can you deliver to your home adress any info would be greatly apreciated
  3. The bitch broke her leg at 10 months and had to be put down as she would never run again she was promising though
  4. Thanks for the replys and yes i checked with the dr the form has been posted hopefully wont be too long now
  5. Cheers for the reply guess ill just wait it out then
  6. Hi all I recently sent my aplication away for my shotgun certificate the police have cashed my cheque and i had a letter for my dr to fill out and send them back and have not heard anything back how long does it normaly take to process as i sent it away mid december just seeing if i should chase it up or if it normaly takes this long Thanks
  7. we bought a dog off fence hopper for an out cross as the blood was too tight hes the grandfather to the pups
  8. a lot of people i know and myself inclided use the term grew short for greyhound no whip i keep bedlington grews and no whip in the line at all guess it just depends on where your from You planning any litters any time soon?probably not as just kept a bitch pup back to replace a bitch we lost last yearNo worries. If you so please let me know.will do bud
  9. a lot of people i know and myself inclided use the term grew short for greyhound no whip i keep bedlington grews and no whip in the line at all guess it just depends on where your from You planning any litters any time soon?probably not as just kept a bitch pup back to replace a bitch we lost last year
  10. a lot of people i know and myself inclided use the term grew short for greyhound no whip i keep bedlington grews and no whip in the line at all guess it just depends on where your from
  11. Strong stuff is your best bet bud good quslity gear made to last
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