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Outlaw Pete

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Status Updates posted by Outlaw Pete

  1. " It's This Phone ..... " Does no body else use a f**king Computer and Key Board any more?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      *I'm* a thing of the past, mate. But, at least I can still type, read and see pictures! :D


    3. Kay


      i use a pc cant get on with a phone my eyes cant see the buttons..lol

    4. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Kay; I wonder if things haven't gone so far they're coming back? In my time, a phone was something you went down the road to and put coins in, to ring a place and ask if a person was there. A photo was taken with a camera. Later ~ much later ~ a computer was two spinning dustbin lids set in a teak wall. Oh, and a tablet was something mothers used to take.


  2. " True Detective " ....? Episodes 6 onwards would be sweet! PM's invited ;)

    1. Rob58


      pete i just watch the fist episode brilliant!

    2. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Yep. The guy who isn't Woody (I've never heard of him before)plays a blinder, as the older him.


      I think it's very clever, all told, how they do that thing.


      I guess we always think of actors playing the part from A to Z. In fact, the first scene shot may be from the middle. Strange concept. Shows how good actors are.


  3. Chops, Chips, Chat, Beer and Whisky. That's Me.

    1. paulus


      Beer, Indian, Toilet, that will be me later....lol

  4. Cooking, here! NINE birds ringed, so far! And the day is young! I'm burning! :D

  5. Crawling Up The Walls ..... Waiting .....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Malt


      Good luck with it all mate..

    3. LaraCroft


      Fingers crossed for you :-)

    4. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      No worries, mate! It's looking like Game On, for us, now. Just got to get the run sorted out with the two lads.


  6. Cyatica; It can Really spoil ye f**king day, can't it?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Sat here feeling like I've been kicked in the balls.


      Worst of it is; Vallium does nothing for it. Guess it's cos it's nerve based. My back 'going' is muscular.


    3. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Jesus f**king wept!!! I've just seen something that made me laugh till I cried!


      Goes to show. We Can laugh in the face of adversity!

    4. mickmck


      cyatica....what a pain pete lol

  7. Dexter ~ Season 6! (Every year, my Bro' gets me another season for my birthday)

    1. R.A.W


      Happy birthday pete

    2. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Cheers, RAW. That was yesterday. 31st.


      Just watched the first couple of episodes. Just as good as ever!


      I Know I could have watched the lot, by now. 'For free'. But, it's just a nice little tradition we have here ;)


  8. Dug A Hole Today ..... Bucket sized hole. Removed four buckets of earth and a big trug full of rocks, so heavy I can't move it. How the f**k does That work out? " Archamedes Therum of Hole Digging " ?! Fearsome graft, using a crow bar, spade and my bare hands. Fence post hole for my gate. Couple of hours work. Dig the other one tomorrow.

    1. PIL


      Your taking the p1ss now ! Lol

    2. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      How so? You don't believe I can manage a couple of hours work? LOL!


    3. PIL
  9. Earned my beer, today! Cleared all the cage traps out to a shed. Took the back wall shelves down. Realised I can now fit Another block of eight Double Breeders there! :o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Malt


      How long before you're building an extension Pete? :D

    3. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      F**k you, Malters!!!


      Only tonight, that self same, Horrific thought occurred to me too!


      Just so happens; I'm back in here to ask advice about the room I have available ;)


    4. Malt
  10. F**k me! It's just dawned on me that I have now cut ALL the slats for All my fencing! In fact, I've even put the first coat of black stain on the little fence ones and have undercoated 2/5 of the huge bugger! Light at the end of the tunnel! :D

  11. F**kin' Back's Gone! That's me on the Valium .....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. YOKEL


      mine went a couple of weeks back...valium and codein! i found washing them down with a nice drop of red wine made them oh so much better...;)

    3. Blackbriar


      Did mine just before Xmas. 2 litres of cider and a couple of the wife's Tramadol-slept for days!!

    4. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Pain killers just don't work for me, lads .....


      Mate brought my six bales of hay down, at 18:00 though and I was chucking them around like match boxes! :D


      Stable spotless too!


  12. F**king Brilliant! €20.00 for new brushes for me SDS drill. Put them in and the Stator blows up. And, on this model that's now obsolete! €100+ new f**king drill, here we come!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Bazil brush

      Bazil brush

      Makita all the way only tools I have bomb proof.

    3. PIL


      Makita for me also,always have been.

    4. Bazil brush

      Bazil brush

      Man after my own heart pil, god bless.

  13. F**king Paint ....!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. christian71


      Aleast this painting has give your boring life something to talk about ;-)

    3. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      It's the painting Making my life so f**king boring. That and your own continuous f**king whining vendetta. They're both getting old.

    4. just jack
  14. FFS; Nudge me to make that gate today .....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PIL



    3. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Yeah. Sorry. It's tomorrow. Thursday I need to do it. Made beer today.


      Got the gate posts yesterday and now realise I need the f*****g gate to show me where to put the posts in.

    4. PIL


      I was going to give you Thursday off .lol

  15. FFS! Couple of dozen slats I painted days ago are still wet! (Cold room). No painting for me today then. That back fence is gonna drag into the new year now :(

  16. God, I need another project! I'm bored shitless.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. youcanthide...BANG


      Try making a catty mate, there as easy or as hard as you want to make them

    3. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Alex; That gate was a nightmare I wouldn't wish on anybody else, mate. Let alone myself!


      YCHB; Catty's? In my youth, mate.


      Dunno. Everything seemed fair game, back then. I squarely plugged a bush climbing rat through the guts, one time.


      Five minutes later, I shot a fledgling song thrush. Just because it was alive and sitting there. FFS. A target.


      Decades later, I hold real firearms.


      And chair a summit meeting, in my head, be...

    4. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Before I even let my finger near that trigger.


      I see that little, baby thrush, down the 'scope.


      And I ask myself:


      " Do I ? "


  17. Got a sickly song stuck in my f**king head! That'll teach me .....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      I'd forgotten about this! :D It was that f**king " We are the world " tripe. Badger culling / Brian May did it!


      Gone now. I have ~ ironically! ~ a Queen number instead! FFS!


    3. walshie


      Don't think of the tune to the Great Escape then. It'll be there for days.

    4. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      La, la, la, la, laah! I Can't Hear You!!!


      My head is clear of songs now ~ following a thirty minute phone call. I refuse to be invaded again.


      At least until tomorrow, when the first thought in my head will stick like shit to a blanket!


  18. Got the new screws. Today I make that gate!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PIL


      Are you on a price , Hahahaha

    3. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      I'm on the f**king piss! :D


    4. PIL


      Evan better LOL

  19. Hanging Off The Walls! Seven hours! :D

  20. Happy bunny! Rain stopped and I got my other fence up! :D Three dowm. One to go!

    1. Nik_B


      I'm burning mine...run out of coal :D

    2. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      ??? Can you not get hold of Union Nuggets, where ever you are, Nik?

  21. I think I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ..... I was crossing my neighbours ground today, staring at the ground. World of my own. Then I looked up and there was his teenage daughter, in a bikini. I've been having flash backs ever since!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. foxtails


      lol, how old ?

    3. Malt


      Christine's only jealous it wasn't him doing the ogling, closest he's ever come to having a piece is pulling one off over those pictures he's just learnt to put up as an avatar! :p

    4. christian71


      you like them tho malt ;-)

  22. I'm Bereft! Yesterday, I watched the last available episode of Mad Men. WTF am I gonna watch now?!

  23. I'm feeling quietly contented (Alright; Smug! LOL!) Today, I fitted one side of the paleings to my back gate. I'd have done the other side. But, those needed another coat before going on. If I do say so myself though? It's looking the Dogs! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pip1968


      dont know pil but imagine pete on border control pmsl

    3. PIL



    4. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      :D F**k off, you miserable bast@rds! I'm dead chuffed with my gate and bit of fencing! It looks great! :p


      One of these days, and €100's down the line, I'll be able to let my Dogs out and just come in for a cuppa tea. Knowing they're safely fenced in.

  24. I'm in love with my avatar. Every time I see it, it makes me smile! :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      :D F**k off, the lot of you! She's absolutely gorgeous and has me smiling 24/7!


      When you can say that of Your Dogs? Come and tell me! :p


    3. pip1968


      wish i could say that about mine lol

    4. Carraghs Gem
  25. Just Archived a load more PM's. What a brilliant way of keeping ye box clear :-)

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