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Everything posted by robbo

  1. Iget withdrawals if i havent been for two weeks. couldnt manage a year,
  2. we use plugs with a good rattle on them or poppers at night in padstow harbour at night. been some good bass caught doing this. later in the year is best for this. I have caught pollack spinning frozen sandeels at night as well. I think fish can see/sense more than we imagine.
  3. Weve been getting quite a few down on the other coast mainly in the three pound region but seen some fives and sixes caught and a couple of eights. thats shore fishing. Been some decent catches off private boats just outside fowey estuary.
  4. yes you can mate . you dont really get a lot off them but it is nice just pan fried .yes you may get a shock when you fillet it as there bones are really green. looks radioactive lol. first one i filleted i threw it away cause i thought there was something wrong with it
  5. When fishing for mackerel we start by letting the lead hitting the bottom but we count it down so you know how many seconds it takes to hit the bottom. fish it in a few times like this then if you dont get any try it at a shorter count. ie if it takes thirty seconds to hit the bottom try it at a count of 25 or 20 then you are searching the depth as mackerel can be any where in the depth. alternatively if you hit them as your lead is falling through the water you will know how deep they are and be able to target this depth. garfish tend to be in the top third of the water if it is reasonably de
  6. Why would someone who is a vegetarian go into a place like this and think she would be able to survive it. I cant understand her, or the organisers allowing her in. Surely they knew she would stuggle like fook to live as a veggie in these circumstances. I bet there werent many veggies about in the real 10000 bc. Then yesterday shes giving other peoples rations to a stray dog.
  7. My mrs loves it . she would eat it everyday.. I will let you know when they are here in numbers. just hope they are not as late as they were last year, although when they came in there were loads of them .
  8. If youre not working later in the year mate we will have to have a session or two on the mackerel etc. Iwill provide the bait and whatever tackle you need.
  9. I use a spinning rod ,2oz bomb fixed onto a 3 way swivel bottom loop with a split ring an 18 inch trace off one end loop and your main line onto the other end loop. Size 1/0 hook. thread a sand eel onto the hook and fix in place with bait elastic around the gills and mouth . You only catch one at a time but its brilliant sport. You also pick up pollock ,garfish and the occasional bass
  10. My mrs is going up yorkshire for the weekend so i will just have to go fishing all weekend to make me feel better.
  11. They reckon he wont even go to jail for years because of the justice system. hes out in a hotel at the moment. Appeal will take ages and apparently they stay free until appeal is heard. Cowardly barsteward should have breeze blocks tied to his waist and drop him a mile offshore
  12. robbo


    Depends whos doing the insulting and the tone its done in.
  13. Really sorry for all his family and friends. as some of you may remember my friends of 38 years died on his way home from a weeks holiday with us about 18 months ago so i understand how youre feeling walshie. It took me a long time to get m,y head round the fact that hed gone. R.I.P. NIGEL
  14. Bradford ,leicester , oldham, dewsbury, darnall, the list goes on macca
  15. To be honest i dont know mate ,maybe someone can enlighten us.
  16. No reverse gears here . just omitted to put with dogs into original post . now its in why dont you answer the question
  17. No what i meant and have now edited the post to say is hunting them with dogs is banned . ie using dogs to kill them . If all you want to do is slag people off who dont agree with your point of view there isnt much point trying to have a debate about it.
  18. My hunting knowledge is fine thanks. I never mentioned whether hunting was allowed in islam or not i simply asked why should one historical way of taking an animals life be banned because it is perceived by people who dont practise it as cruel and another way that is perceived similarly be allowed just because it relates to religion. Stop just blindly ranting at anything you dont agree with and try and answer with a reason.
  19. Hunting deer, hares and foxes with dogs is an historical way of taking an animals life but they banned those so whats special about halal killing other than it relates to islam.
  20. Ilove how it says she is famous for having multiple facial surgery . The surgeon must have been using a whacker plate, lump hammer and bolster chisel.
  21. There isnt enough jack daniels in the world mate
  22. Dont know how to put a link up to this but take alook at number 4 .I dont care how much dosh shes got, she would be wearing a bag on her head and i would put one on myself just in case hers slipped off.
  23. just a point on your reference to rich pensioners getting winter fuel allowance. My brother who is 69 and gets a good amount of money through his pensions etc. gets this.He has phoned them several times to tell them that he doesnt want it and to cancel his payment . their reply is that it cant be stopped, they have to pay him it. they advised him to give it to charity if he didnt want it. SO the system is at fault as im sure he isnt the only one whos tried to get it stopped.
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