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Ossie n Arch

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Ossie n Arch last won the day on May 5 2014

Ossie n Arch had the most liked content!

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1,682 Excellent

About Ossie n Arch

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 24/12/1964

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  • Interests
    Hill Walking

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  1. I don't often look in on here much these days. Just had a glance in and I see this. Only knew John through the fishing comp and we'd talk about Rugby mostly. A massive shock. He was one of the good ones. RIP John.
  2. Ok Kev thanks. I pop in and have a look now and again. I'm getting ready to retire early next year if things go to plan. Not fishing much, if at all, kinda lost my mojo for fishing TBH. Hopefully get it back when i've finished work. Only got Tess left now and she's getting on, all my permo is being built on, so no more Dogs either. Suppose i'm just treading water at the moment, waiting till I can finish. Can't wait. I'll look in around the comp time, as always it does everyone a credit who make it such a success. Wife's 50th on the 17th August, so probably won't be the
  3. Sad news. Chin up fella.
  4. It was a cold, wet December night in 2008 when the phone rang. It was next door, “Have you got a Dog?” Sue asked. “Don’t be silly” Mrs A said. “You know I don’t like Dogs” “Well there’s one at the bottom of your garden, I’ve heard it barking” “I’ll go and have a look” Mrs A said. Moments later I heard a scream, “It’s a great big effing dog” she cried. I went out to look, sure enough, a big black dog stood there in our garden and barked at us. He was wet through and ran back up to the end of the garden to get under the only slight shelter there was, a Weeping Willow tree. “He’ll be
  5. In a word, no. Try them in a different lead and see if they work then. The washing machine draws more power than the fridge, the socket on the end of the lead may be burnt out only on that one side, if at all. If the washing machine still doesn't work, try a new fuse in the plug top. 13 amp fuse in the washing machine, 5amp in the fridge.
  6. I'd like to echo that too D. Sorry I shot of this morning without saying goodbye, but needed to get the van back and Mrs A had an hospital appointment in Leicester that I wanted to take her to rather than having relying on someone else. Congratulations Kev, the weekend was superb and well done on the second win.
  7. Got these for the weekend and I'll bring five dozen cobs/rolls/batches of various types.
  8. What a season I'm having. 4lb 8oz
  9. At the moment, just the match. I'm picking the hire van up on Friday evening and leaving early Saturday morning, so may be there in time to fish the river in the afternoon. Depends on the traffic, and if it's anything like last year, i'll be night fishing the river. Get me a ticket for the river Kev, if I don't make it i'll stand the cost.
  10. I'm fishing a match on a commercial on Wednesday, WTF is happening to me ??
  11. Only just gone and smashed my PB. I was reeling in one rod to pack away, when the other went off. 13lb 7oz. Over the moon.
  12. Amazing what you catch on 1 1/2 15mm boillies
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