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the monkey

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Everything posted by the monkey

  1. Can you put a pic up of the looped bands. Always used bands
  2. Just received the lurcherwork 4 and pursuit of the largest. Look great with superb photos. Not read any yet but both look good. The pursuit of the largest looks like it will have some good articles about big game. Boar. Stags
  3. whatever people think of his writing ,fact or fiction its entertaining, as was plummer but for me its the photography , theres no fiction there he can take a good photo
  4. Big game lurcherwork now that’s what I call terrierwork now that’s what I call lurcherwork
  5. do you think 0.6 is ok for 9.5 steel or would 0.7 be better
  6. All really good. But the last one is top notch
  7. We never have any problem. Could a mink climb the scaff pole, never really thought about it . If it’s a problem you could put some sort of baffle on the pole we have mandarin boxes and tubes on every pond ,there’s defiantly a better success rate than no tubes at all
  8. There really good , we put up 7 on the shoot and all were used
  9. its a copy of the xt black with clips
  10. HDPE Professional Outdoor SPORT hunting slingshots Catapult smail pro slingshot | eBay scout copy ..there great ali express do them for less than a tenner
  11. HDPE Professional Outdoor SPORT hunting slingshots Catapult smail pro slingshot | eBay scout copy ..there great
  12. dont think you can beat the chinese scout copy
  13. even cockers will go to ground ,my last one used to all the time . i eventually lost it presumed gone to ground. so a terrier would be more tempted to with years of breeding behind it
  14. better over gunned .my catapult dog is a bull/grey/saluki grey
  15. Love it. Going on safari with dog and catapult is one of the pleasures in life
  16. 1745 i was using 9.5 and 11mm steel to be fair at close range there pretty accurate have used the tapered tubes before with hex nuts ,they worked ok but for speed and longer distance dont think you can beat bands
  17. After being inspired by mr Wilkes and his exploits I decided to tie a few tube sets and give them a go first go tapered tubes. Good and accurate but a bit slow so then tried looped tubes there a lot more powerful but he’d to pull back compared to bands dont think you can beat 0.7 20 15 gzk
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