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the monkey

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Everything posted by the monkey

  1. Just made a band set up. slow compared to bands. what’s the advantage. Will it fire heavier ammo than bands?
  2. The clips off wasp are good, saves messing around tieing bands on
  3. There’s a natural beauty about wood like that. Stunning
  4. You will be happy with the wasp. When this situation sorts itself get one ordered. I use the wasp or the scout both equally as good to be honest maybe we should buy British
  5. I use the scout copy and the wasp love them both heres the scout copy on ebay
  6. I am right handed but hold the catty in my right hand good for shooting out of the van window
  7. Reece sayers on face book look his name up or search balls of steel
  8. 9.5 steel. Thought the pouches would be too small but they work fine
  9. Banded up the wasp with light bands. A lot better than the stringer bands not as powerful but more accurate 20 15 with small pouches
  10. Done a bit of research and the Amber is the natural colour ,always loved tubes but found bands faster? just confused on sizes now. Is the 1745 faster than the 2050. I use 9.5 steel
  11. Who makes the Amber 1745 and is it better than the black?
  12. Every wheelie bin near me has a hole in it from grey squirrels
  13. The money is going back into the syndicate that they are a member of. It’s not a charge just a donation to the shoot that they will benefit from
  14. I have a few fork hits on mine just leaves a small dint. They are tough
  15. Another vote for the Chinese scout.
  16. we Will be looking for new syndicate members for next season 19/20.the shoot is having a shake up and needs new blood that are willing to do work parties etc ...north cheshire
  17. I,be got big hands and the small sniper fits lovely ,the big one must be too big for most people
  18. One of the guys on Facebook does 3000 for £35
  19. Wilkes is the place to go for hex nuts. I like them for short range. They drop off after 20 yards. But up to 20 yards there accurate
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