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Everything posted by littlefish

  1. Baby giraffes are 'cute' and a real crowd pleaser.....once they look the same as all the others.....well they ain't so 'special' any more. Shame, but least it was slaughtered humanely and the lions got a good feed
  2. I am not fond of cats but I would have got some in before the rats got to plague proportions!
  3. I'd say if she was able to to that she was pretty fit........?
  4. Any idea what may have caused it? Any photos? What sort of work has the dog been doing? How is it bred? What age is it? How is it housed? How is it fed? Has it been to see a vet yet?
  5. If that was my dog I would opt for excision biopsy.
  6. And to film it.......perverse.....
  7. No dog of mine has been washed since my bathroom was refurbished.......... 4 years ago.
  8. What about the individuals who are in jail for the type of crimes that would make your toenails curl......but have 'seen the light'?
  9. Good result for that pup. Good to know they get a good home.
  10. He said he was on a course.......at 4 am? How peculiar.
  11. Don't even say that in jest.............sadly,.there's those who will take it as the right thing to do.
  12. Then get him to follow you with a toy or food in your hand.....always aiming on keeping the lead loose. Good for you giving the wee dog a chance.
  13. Had a good neighbour, a lady in her 70's, killed by a drink/drugged driver....no sympathy here for anybody who chooses to act like they are above the law.......very humbling experience sitting beside her smashed body with her relatives while she was on a life support machine.
  14. What is this 'museli' you have started him on? What exactly is in it? Maybe he is allergic to grain-based feed?
  15. When all the money is spent on stuff that folks don' t really need or want..........does anyone think that January is the longest month of the year whilst waiting on pay day?
  16. What I really fail to understand is that normal women would volunteer their babies to be abused by this sorry excuse for a 'man'.......yuk!!!....onto the fire with them!!!
  17. What about the ordinary decent working folks who died as a result of the "Great Train Robbery"?
  18. Very tragic for all involved. I see the moral of the story to be "if you are not happy in a relationship.....walk away". Do not act the victim, and do not get off on the drama of having people fight over it.
  19. My youngest bitch was 3 years old when I got a new baby pup. Until the baby pup arrived, I did not appreciate just how far the 3 year old "youngster" had come. I love bitches over a dog any day!
  20. How long since you first noticed there was a problem? Hope you get it sorted.
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