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About tommy.c

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  1. Hes a cracker jigsaw and growing fast your doing a great job with him atvb mate
  2. Not to bad hopefully next season be better lol...
  3. No havnt been on here in a while just thought id check it out lol...
  4. She's a turning out absolutely stunning lads
  5. That's great mate, your doing a brilliant job with her, Ronnie the same with feeding he's a picky eater but always goes back and finishes it lol... Yes I'll deffo keep you posted on his progress
  6. Sorry RELLIK, I'm just seeing this now mate lol.. Yes Ronnie doing really well,lead training and recall coming on brilliantly!
  7. Brilliant that name suits her big time
  8. cheers mate he's out of a full saluki to a Merlin n eve bitch
  9. Big Reggie the sire,
  10. Tomo he's actually turning cream and white, don't matter what colour he his to me as long as he does the job he was bred for my friend,
  11. Cracking little botch that jigsaw she's in good hands there mate I hope she does well for the nut job lol...
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