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Born Hunter

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Everything posted by Born Hunter

  1. Difficult to tell from that. I've not noticed an unprecedented rise in naval ops/deployments in the media.
  2. Born Hunter


    It’s Buck house! Be more staff in there than an Amazon depot. I bet there’s all sorts of shit going on downstairs.
  3. Wonder what concessions were made and by who... Either Saudi saw an opportunity to take a step up the international hierarchy by taking leadership and conceded on aspects of their oil production strategy, or they were the arbitrator for the West and we conceded something more directly applicable to the Ukraine war effort. Saudi surely sees a huge opportunity here to take market share from Russia in energy markets.
  4. Completely agree, except I don't think the West is trying to do in Russia. They're just taking the opportunity to degrade them in neutral territory by proxy. At any time Russia can withdraw to the safety of their sovereign territory safe from military attack from or supported by the West. Those are the time served rules of this great game that everyone understands. Putin is likely trying to twist this to make it appear that the West has legitimately broken this rule, by way of having the Donbass legitimised as Russian sovereign territory. Whether he truly would treat attacks on the Donbas
  5. The equivalent in the UK would be the regular reserve (ex forces) being pulled from their project management and landscaping jobs to be given a quick refresher course and sent to war. It's unthinkable really.
  6. Born Hunter


    British national identity/brand Cultural cohesion and leadership International political soft power tool GDP
  7. Putin is now to conscript (mobilise) 300k reservists to bolster operations in Ukraine. I'm led to believe that reservists in the Russian sense are former conscripts. Not voluntary part timers like in the West, or even former professional soldiers. I think he's increased the punishments for desertion, surrender and looting too.
  8. Born Hunter


    You could divvy up the entire Crown estate and Royal families estates Robin Hood style and it'd make f**k all difference in the long run. The money would be squandered and then the next disaster would arrive and the masses would be baying for the riches of the next tier of society.... until they find themselves as the highest tier. No doubt the Royals live in privilege, tempered with duty, but to get rid of them or reduce them to nothing because of it weakens British power and culture. Ultimately for nothing other than "f**k the rich".
  9. Born Hunter


    You did. I thought the same.
  10. Born Hunter


    My biggest concern was one (or 100) well placed cruise missile/s. There will have been land based interceptors, airborne early warning and typhoons on QRA covering London but such a rare event must be a very tempting strategic opportunity for adversaries at such a tipping point in the worlds power balance. Anyway, it’s over now. The British brand has just had a hell of a boost. The final act of a remarkable sovereign.
  11. Born Hunter


    Out of interest, what other national/state events, of any nation, have such a collection of the worlds dignitaries and officials? Its truly a mark of British soft power and an institution we must protect imo. Such is the scale, the security risk must be huge. The biggest deterrent probably being that an attack would mobilise the entire West and commonwealth in retaliation.
  12. 100% the Tories fault. Underfunding you see.
  13. f**k being a copper taking on that calibre of lunatic with nothing more than a taser. I wouldn’t have the temperament for it at all. Soon as a knife is involved I’d want a benelli handy. What a f***ing sad game.
  14. Here’s a close up of the fishing village. I think this was a winch for landing the fishing boats.
  15. I wish I had gotten that sky behind the neolithic stone circle. That’d have been one of those photos you hang on to.
  16. Had another quick spin down with a mate. The fishing was shit tbf but that was just an excuse.
  17. I didn’t zoom in and see it was in fact Bob on 76. Could’ve been anywhere around there at a glance. However now you ask, I used my encyclopaedic library of knowledge brain bank to recall similar gun calibres.
  18. Just had a search of 76mm guns from that war. Might be this BLC 15-pounder gun - Wikipedia EN.M.WIKIPEDIA.ORG
  19. Not really my thing but it looks like a 76mm calibre, which even today is a common calibre.
  20. Born Hunter


    I don't think he could lace his mother's boots for the duty she's shown as sovereign. I think the point in the Crown/Monarchy is as much in question now as ever before. His mother held it together and is probably irreplaceable. I just don't think, the now, King Charles has 'it'. He will probably get by in the role, but imo he's not the monarch the Crown needs now and he's a risk. His mother personified duty, and I don't think he does when it costs him. It is a tradition, and the value of the Crown to me is as a corner stone institution of British culture. The French and others have equ
  21. Stroll on I didn’t think what I said was that strong. I’ll leave you all to mourn. Christ
  22. “God save the king” is a hard line these days. For the sake of the Crown, the king wants to have his do and f**k off, making way for a better monarch. Imo
  23. What was your trade mate? I think in another life I’d quite liked to have been a clearance diver.
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