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Born Hunter

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Everything posted by Born Hunter

  1. Was out for a munty last night and within 10 mins found this guy holding 3 hinds with a calf each. Shit pic, but he was tearing up the field, head back with his lip curling. Let out the odd roar. I looked around for a lesser stag but couldn’t see one. Unfortunately the only reds I’ve ever had a chance on have all been master stags and so far I’ve refused to kill them… I did see something I’ve never witnessed or heard of before. I watched a munty literally chase a fox for two fields, before I lost sight. Came out the same paddock as the stag. Couldn’t have been more than five ya
  2. It is mate. It's a shop, but it's more like a mini natural history museum. About half way down broadway.
  3. Look for a little taxidermy type shop on broadway called evolution. I think you’ll like having a nose around there.
  4. I was the opposite funnily enough, didn't rate TX or OKH really. Nothing wrong with them, just not places I'd make the effort to go back to. I reckon Wyoming/Montana/Idaho/Colorado would be a bit of me though. Even Virginia and North Carolina.
  5. I loved it there and will go back one day. Enjoy.
  6. Can we be sure it’s not a hologram?
  7. Just what I thought. Second pic.
  8. Kids now don’t understand that we couldn’t rewind and pause tv, or for that matter control it with a remote. I’m not even old and I’ve seen changes that the young generation would think I was lying about. I’m just old enough to remember a time before internet and mobile phones were the norm. That’s how fast tech advances. I would say within my lifetime cash will be history. The post millennial generations will demand it imo. But who knows in this crazy world.
  9. I mean I’m not putting a date on it lol. I agree it’s probably not imminent. Not suggesting your death is imminent! Ha. But the shift is visible and technology will provide the means for petty private transactions which cash currently does. How many generations until virtually everyone has a smart phone… the only thing realistically stopping it right now is acceptance. As the generations roll on the controversy will just not be understood because they will have known little different. I’m in my thirties and I very well remember cash being exclusive currency. Few generations and cash will
  10. Eventually mobile phones will be all you need to quickly transfer currency. At that point cashless will be very possible.
  11. Woah, you said cash has to be accepted. That’s factually incorrect. That fallacy might make retailers bottle it but it’s still a fallacy. It doesn’t bother me either way, I’m not a retailer and I don’t have problems paying for stuff. But reality is that you wouldn’t have any legal grounds to go if a retailer didn’t bottle.
  12. From the horses mouth fella. What is legal tender? WWW.BANKOFENGLAND.CO.UK Many people are confused about what legal tender means. It’s actually about settling debts...
  13. I don’t bet mate. But it’s a fact. It might be a line that gets you places but it’s not a fact.
  14. It can be refused in retail. It can’t be refused as payment for a debt. But shops don’t have to accept it.
  15. I genuinely don’t know mate, I just find it boring tbh. Crypto is currently little more than a fake commodity that is traded. What is interesting about cryptos is their potential as a currency free from government control. Blockchain though I just haven’t made the effort to understand.
  16. So I've read mate, mostly on the Navy side though. The SF units tend to get all the recognition from joe bloggs. But as you point out, there are much lesser known units and trades, like the ones in question, who have taken things to the next level but only get the recognition from those in the forces who actually understand. Part of me would love it if nordstream was a British job. I could take the onslaught of memes from all the truthseekers
  17. Makes total sense. I've actually just been reading up about the RE divers. I just assumed the underwater demolition of, for instance shore defences for an amphibious landing, would be exclusively done by one of the clearance diver squadrons. Sort of hand in hand with destroying mines and reconnaissance etc. I didn't quite realise how skilled the RE divers were or in fact that they trained alongside Navy at Horsea. I suppose their skills would be in much more demand with more complex demolition tasks than simple shore defences. Especially these days with reduced head count. Anything '
  18. Undetected? BALTOPS was shadowed by two very detected Russian warships. Not to mention the invention of the submarine, mini ROV, remotely operated mine, underwater demo and in-line-inspection pigs.
  19. Yeah but he’s Ukrainian. No, fair. As a this sites wise man has already told me on this thread, “you learn something knew everyday”. For a hypothetical British op, would RE divers join up with Navy clearance divers? Or would it depend on what units are deployed. Or would it exclusively be RE? I just assumed RE area of responsibility would have normally been fresh water.
  20. It was just a bit of humour tbh mate. I saw this post covering Ukrainian combat swimmers today and it was just a nice coincidence. That said, I didn’t know it wouldn’t be in their remit. I know various branches have diving units for different tasks.
  21. The Germans were warned in summer by the CIA about a possible attack scenario on the Nord Stream pipelines. U.S. intelligence claimed to have intercepted Russian communications in which concerns were expressed about possible Ukrainian attacks on Western infrastructure. The Ukrainians allegedly tried to rent a boat in Sweden for this purpose. The CIA did not consider the scenario of a Ukrainian attack to be very credible, but the mere fact that the possibility of an attack on Western infrastructure was mentioned by the Russian side prompted the Americans to warn the Germans about the scenario.
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