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Born Hunter

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Everything posted by Born Hunter

  1. Was it Wagner that attempted to move on a US JSOC base in/near Syria a few years back? I can't remember the name of it all but iirc a mob of them were closing on a base of Delta and Rangers, the politicians phoned up their Russian counterparts to confirm this convoy wasn't Russian Federation forces and were in fact PMCs, and then called in C-130 gunships, A-10s and F-22s. Reading it was like it had been written by some low budget direct to DVD film. The units and kit Wagner came up against in that instance was a comprehensive list of all the 'cool shit' the yanks have.
  2. My first thought would be this is an accident caused by the pipeline operators f***ing about with it as a political weapon. IIRC the Europeans sealed a deal this week for LNG imports from the Middle East. I don't think anyone needs to force their hand through sabotage.
  3. Mainstream, not really. In more dedicated sources, yes.
  4. If they were actually doing anything serious, they wouldn't be showing up on a map anyway.
  5. In common with two of them, they are the unelected political wing at least. Given the British people, seem to continually favour the Tories over them. I suppose they have chiselled it into stone or written it in blood to help sell the illusion?
  6. Sorry, ‘alternative and totally valid, please don’t cry, facts’.
  7. I have no idea. I’m just challenging the factual false dross I read on here to give people another view point. If tax cuts never work then tax everyone 100%.
  8. The fact is, trickle down has case studies that support it and oppose it. Economics is far to complex to expect cause and effect to be so easy to study. Not to mention, this budget isn’t really trickle down economics, it’s tax cuts across the earning spectrum.
  9. You mean like this research by the IMF? Abstract This paper assesses the macroeconomic and distributional impact of personal income tax (PIT) reforms in the U.S. drawing on a multi-sector heterogenous agents model in which consumers have non-homothetic preferences and sectors differ in terms of their relative labor and skill intensity. The model is calibrated to key characteristics of the US economy. We find that (i) PIT cuts stimulate growth but the supply side effects are never large enough to offset the revenue loss from lower marginal tax rates; (ii) PIT cuts do “trickle-down” the
  10. Completely. My comment wasn't aimed at you, but more in support of yours. I just think a lot of people genuinely think no one now pays tax on earnings over 150k. The 45% tax rate has just been dropped to 40%. Whoopie f***ing do. How dare they only have 40% of their earnings stolen!
  11. Yeah sure, I'm just saying it won't be proportionate. Most of the budget will go into things, not soldiers. And lean crewing and manufacturing is a big thing in the UK compared to the US. We design a lot of our processes and systems to require very minimal people. All I'm saying is don't expect 100k bodies in the Army again.
  12. Let's just put things in perspective. It's not like this top 0.1% are not paying tax on 95% of their income. Everything over like 50k they're paying 40% on.
  13. Plenty of spaniels in beating lines could do with finding a f***ing land mine!
  14. I haven't read the commentary on this yet, which will be interesting, but personally I don't expect to see a proportionate rise in head count. I expect this (if it materialises) will go towards filling capability gaps and increase depth in others. For instance the UK has ~60 tomahawks in stock. If war broke out they would be used up in the first week. Up until a few months ago 5/6 of our destroyers were in maintenance, some laid up for years. I could go on.
  15. f***ing hell! British defence spending to double to £100bn UKDEFENCEJOURNAL.ORG.UK Wallace said that he is delighted that after "30 or 40 years of defending against cuts" the Ministry of...
  16. “No response to the predator call, so I tried my dog whistle”
  17. That half regularly happens, and with some half ‘insta-famous’ types too. Feral dogs needs shooting like, but fucks sake. Sterling extreme outdoors is the boy when it comes to wolf hunting!
  18. This has even less to do with illegal immigrants than it does ‘foreigners’.
  19. Giving them an incentive to give us money. Just because it benefits them too doesn’t mean it is about benefitting them. It’s entire intention is to benefit out economy. It has draw backs (dropping tax revenues) and will clearly also benefit foreigners (tax break) but it’s just wrong to declare that it is only intended to be to the benefit of ‘foreigners’. It’s like saying we only grow wheat to benefit pigeons. If I was to guess I’d say the UK has a bit of a trade deficit right now and they wanted to fix that but they didn’t have the bottle to completely wipe out such a considerable tax st
  20. ‘Foreigners’ lol. It’s got nothing to do with benefitting foreigners. I didn’t say it would be perfect, just explained how it benefits us. It encourages trade balances to shift in our favour. If uk businesses experience increased trade, then uk workers experience increased earnings and job opportunities. It’s economic stimulation. And I agree on abolishing taxes on economic activity across the board. This however is a logical starting place. Get cash flowing in, rather than simply flowing around.
  21. By encouraging economic activity. Literally creating economic growth. Literally adding income to businesses to create healthier finances. You don’t see how that helps British workers?
  22. More than 1,300 detained in anti-mobilisation protests across Russia -rights group WWW.REUTERS.COM Security forces detained more than 1,300 people in Russia on Wednesday at protests...
  23. Western propaganda or the truth on the ground? Flights out of Russia sell out after Putin orders partial call-up WWW.REUTERS.COM One-way flights out of Russia were rocketing in price and selling out fast on Wednesday after...
  24. Was literally working my way into that angle discretely. You've f****d it now!
  25. I think yes. Depending on the definition and reasoning behind your veganism.
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