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The one

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Everything posted by The one

  1. Some of my ferrets will happily eat crows , jackdaws , ferals etc some wont its trial and error no point in filling a freezer till you find out LOL
  2. Don't know if this is the one but theresa orange box on sale , There's a few on sites and ebay for resale don't know if the guys cant get on with them or there selling up due to the lack of rabbits
  3. I am feeding pheasants to mine but if you only leave them for a day or two they just eat some of the breast and don't touch the legs
  4. Theres 4/5 next to the landscape big shed at our local sports ground always seems to be rabbits going to ground under them , I have often thought about it but never ferreted them as knowing my luck i would get a ferret killing a rabbit under one and they are just laying on the ground no raised up on anything
  5. I kept my snipped hob in with 10 jills no problem but i think his faveroute jill got a bit more than most LOL
  6. 90 pence a kilo spend £100 goes down to 70 pence a kilo Chicken bones /scraps £1 5 kilos
  7. You tried pets at home there the only place with plenty rabbits , Theres no way your going to get permissiion on a hunting forum mate everybody is after permission on here
  8. I wonder if theres anybody out there would take cash to let me shoot vermin ?. Things tight due to the ression ? thats the first post i have seen that not a advert
  9. Dissapointed three big dogs couldnt kill that coyote and one stopped for a piss LOL
  10. We where doing a bit on the grounds round a sports complex with the sons bull cross next weeks paper somebody said they saw a big cat come out the darkness LOL The mind plays funny tricks on you
  11. Check out a guy called The Warrener Mate
  12. Carers maybe no letting him use the comp
  13. Hello and welcome mate , good luck with trying to get permission get your sunday best on and start knocking on farmer doors
  14. The one

    Kwasi gone

    Heading for a general election in the new year
  15. R.I.P. 72 is hardly any age these days
  16. Take it Darcey will be busy still no word of his mates dogs
  17. Take it nothing came of it ??>
  18. Since the Earth Dog Running Dog packed up theres no been a decent magazine somebody mentioned there was a new one in the pipe line what happened to it was ut ever published ?>
  19. has he fully moulted out from summer to winter coat that could make him itchy
  20. Im feeding mine pheasants still got a load left from last year crammed 360 of them into the freezers from the last days shooting dont know if i will be getting them free this year maybe back to chicken carcasses
  21. Why feed them mince they got those big teeth because there carnivores as said try full carcass rabbit , pigeon, squirrel , pheasant ,partridge and fish
  22. I dont really bother about poachers unless they drive over the fields leave gates open as often the farmer will say your doing a good job certainly less rabbits about now . Only thing that bothers me if a big estate has huge sandy warrens and i alaways pick up nets on these burrows and a odd ferret with no collar pisses me off as these guys have wised up the rabbits so when i come to ferret there the rabbits sit tight and your certain of a dig . The farmer there is known locally as a bit of a hot head and one day he flew down the field with the tractorman in his truck narrowly missing me
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