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mhopton last won the day on October 22 2017

mhopton had the most liked content!

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807 Excellent

About mhopton

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 01/08/1975

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  • MSN

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  • Gender
  • Location
    co durham
  • Interests
    I'm into ferreting shooting lampung with the dogs fishing river & sea most of all the wife and kids

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  1. Here we go with all slaver big up the keyboard warrior with that good look everyone and there pot picking dogs it’s people like you who’s running amok and killed it for everybody
  2. It’s the dogs chasing the sheep and levering the gates open mate what’s boiling my piss You know what land I run John it’s as good as said as you know yourself mate just getting regular phone calls asking if I was up cos people calling the farmers saying dogs are worrying sheep or they all out over the road cos gates are open just pissed me off a bit. pups good maté healing fast he is thanks mate atvb mark
  3. My pup ted 13 months old and taking everything in his stride is out for a month having pulled a dew claw the vets agreed to remove both, so I decided to take my old boy blade out for a run with a strong wind blowing and short sharp showers the conditions were good, folks who know me and blade will know that there is absolutely no reason to tell fibs about how good blade is he’s proven end off , we’ll he’s 9 1/2 years young and going strong anyway to the point’ we landed on the permission at 10 and had five minutes chill then off we went back up towards the village entrance to where I often st
  4. Definitely says £1000 mate last five letters on add
  5. My dog just had a toe removed from his front foot he put it out of place and vets wouldn’t do anything until swelling was down 3 weeks and about 20 phone calls and 4 visits later said it was to late it had already set it’s self then they even tried to blame me for not taking him until I told them to check there records they said £1400 for the opp not a chance my second choice vets( now first ) who take of my ferrets done it for £425 that included a teeth cleaned and polished
  6. I’ve got the 65w and totally pleased with it but would definitely recommend a extra battery high power drains it faster but I’ve noticed on high when it starts to get to low it automatically drops to medium atvb mark
  7. Science and nature on Twitter didn’t say where about unfortunately funny isn’t it even the things we hunt sorry hate the most brings a smile on our faces ? naaaaaaaa kill them all ?????
  8. Just had to share https://t.co/f1cASmjzmC?ssr=true
  9. Sorry mate I’m gutted for you especially with the season just gone underway, I’ve gone most of my life without fear of anything apart from spiders and dentists but the thought of loosing blade makes the hairs on my neck stand up atvb mark
  10. I made one a few years ago and posted a little topic on here about it , I made it out of a clothes hanger with a washing bag net lol , can’t fault your thinking with the drum 10/10
  11. Trev I’ll have a little more info about injury and swimming when I get chance to see a mate who used to have a little place near me with a pool all the greyhound and whippet races swear by it
  12. He’s just gone 6 mate but he still thinks he’s two lol
  13. Jimmy it’s always a pleasure to have you and Ethan down like I said my door is always open, can I just say before we set of I did ask jimmy if he was fit and the reply was yes but they are killer hills not to steep just long ? still cant get over blades reaction when he seen you happy wasn’t the word ? next time we’ll go back there at least it’s flat lol atvb mark
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