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Back up at the shoot

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Up at the shoot first thing this morning, bird scare tape up around the pens, elec fences on and tested, water on and drinkers tested and adjusted, water butts filled again over the piggeries, I had l

Well our first shoot of the year went well. It was cold but dry and a bit of sun appeared. Bag was 122 head comprising of 57 duck 56 pheasant 7 partridge and 2 pigeon. My own contribution wa

It’s been frosty the last couple of mornings, it’s very welcome , hopefully it will kill a few bugs . Unfortunately the Maize and cover crops don’t like it and they will soon be unviable as a drive .

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Well done Stav , cant beat a daytime fox. Same happened to me yesterday. Lost my job on Friday so to cheer myself up I needed to go out for a walk with the rifle.

Headed out around 4pm and wandered up the valley to look for a roe , bumped a buck in the gorse still in velvet but nice to see. I very carefully glassed the gorse covered bank step by step until I spotted a brownish dome shaped lump in the gorse which I thought may be a deer lying down but couldn't see a head or any movement . I watched it for 10 mins but no clue so half dismissed it as a log , I continued on my way and headed back about 1/2 an hour later to check it out. No mistake this time , I could clearly make out the head and ears of a fox. I settled into the rifle and sent my pill , only to see the fox roll over ? If you look in the pic the fox was positioned just to the left of the tall fir tree about 40 yds behind.

She was a pregnant vixen carrying 3 cubs .....



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11 minutes ago, FOXHUNTER said:

Well done Stav , cant beat a daytime fox. Same happened to me yesterday. Lost my job on Friday so to cheer myself up I needed to go out for a walk with the rifle.

Headed out around 4pm and wandered up the valley to look for a roe , bumped a buck in the gorse still in velvet but nice to see. I very carefully glassed the gorse covered bank step by step until I spotted a brownish dome shaped lump in the gorse which I thought may be a deer lying down but couldn't see a head or any movement . I watched it for 10 mins but no clue so half dismissed it as a log , I continued on my way and headed back about 1/2 an hour later to check it out. No mistake this time , I could clearly make out the head and ears of a fox. I settled into the rifle and sent my pill , only to see the fox roll over ? If you look in the pic the fox was positioned just to the left of the tall fir tree about 40 yds behind.

She was a pregnant vixen carrying 3 cubs .....



Sorry to hear about your job mate, I’m off for 10 days starting next weekend so we’ll have to get out during the week, see if we can get a fallow or a fox ?

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 I had a satisfying one last night. 

Set up back to hedge on slope of a  field. Moon doing me no favours & wind kept changing its mind. Mouth calling and thermal spotting. See fox trotting in from next field up to my call. Making steady progress so I get ready on rifle. As heat signature drops below my eyeline cos of slope of ground. I wait a bit, knowing at the pace it was going it'll soon appear. But few minutes later no sign. Impatience got better of  me and I tried to peer over slope by leaving cover of hedge. Soon spot it in thermal again, just hunkered down in dip, I reckon wind must have given it a whiff of me. Soon as I'm away from hedge moon lights me up.& I'm spotted. I watch it go down far side of hill & disappear in dyke at hedge bottom of field. 

Cursing myself, I keep spotting for a bit but nothing doing. Still annoyed at myself, I start to head back down hill towards yard (had already decided only trying around lambing fields & where i see partridge). Halfway back down hill, I spot a bit of heat in neighbouring field other side of hedge by where fox went. Back on sticks, scanning & confirmed fox. I've got permissions from next door, but from my position on hilltop, I couldn't get shot over hedge. As if it knew, fox just stayed hugging opposite side of hedge for ten minutes. Able to see it through hedge with thermal but no way to shoot. I didn't dare call again as thought it might just high tail it after spotting me before. After getting on for quarter hour it just made its way further out into field, enough to able me to get shot over top of hedge. 32grn whizzed along, and though he legged it a bit I knew he was hit. Lesson learnt in patience. 

My longest shot to date at 207yds, shot bit further back than would have liked but happy to get him. 




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Its one of these 


<h4>including UK postage</h4> <h2>NOW IN STOCK!!!</h2> <h3>Brand New to the UK - the...

Best £££ I've spent in a bit, keeps rifle exactly on back, no slipping off shoulder & keep me hands free. And yes, I chose the pink one!! ? 

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