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Some old adverts in magazines from 1900s ,,that mention Blue polls,

There's a lot of bull in some lads yards. bull shit.

i first posted that photo , its nuttall bred , and before you all start saying staff blood and making fools of yourself you need to know that dog was tiny , the bull bllood in what is now called the p

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There certain lines of dogs out of Brian's what have bull in them quiet recently they work spot on still and still a good size

i think a mate of mine had one , didn't last long think it was out of a staff/bull type bitch

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We had a good little dog who's grand dam was that staff/bull bitch glyn he was a touch smalll and abit hard but between me and 2 pals we Had, worked, new of , around 20 pups by him and only 2 culls due to size and 1 what wudent work proper gere so thy whuld of been 4 gens from the bull

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Good thread, I personally can see a lot of sense being talked for once, it will go titts up yet but hope that'll not be the case. I agree with foxdropper on the percentage of bull blood influenced dogs as being only 1/4 bull on a sire OR dam in the making of a single litter and a lot can be blown out of proportion etc. The thing is, that's one single litter between maybe 2 men and bull could have been added previous. Myself and a good friend had a discussion about this only a week ago. There's APBT, SBT and more in some terriers and there's lads that don't say jack about that. Yet a few lads have this and that of certain stuff and I say what I see. Then they get all defensive saying the likes of NO bull blood the last 30 years etc. But to be honest, which I am, it's hanging clean out of the dog and what I can't fathom is why they can't see that themselves! That's the bigger worry to me tbh. I'm not against it, that is to a certain extent. I'm not a hypocrite. I know what I'm feeding and cleaning up after, a lot don't! Thats where the problem lies.

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The blue probably came from the garner blood then. Like i said im friend's of the man and never seen a blue dog on his property and he wouldnt allow one on his property. And the bottom half of that ped was someon elses so who knows what they put in it. If you didnt see MR BOUDREAUX do the breeding and see him whelping it and then seeing blue dogs or hearing it from him dont believe it. Because then your just spreading 2nd hand crap. Amd dogman, the same thing goes for you and the grapevine. Not trying to be dick but but dont go off what you heard if you dont have or owned any of that blood. It makes it 2nd hand gossip. But i guess the most folks are like,if the lies are told long enough and enough folks believe it then it must be true. And i didnt have a yard of his dogs for no reason. I dont feed crap.

I got the information from a Facebook board. The guy that owned the blue (don't know if he did the breeding or not) posted some info up and I've screen shorted it, deleted his name and uploaded it to Photobucket but Photobucket has got a virus on my phone and won't let me get the link. I must have tried two dozen times now


I remember you being friends with the man, but with 100% certainty I can say that (if the breeding of those blues I mentioned is true) Skull is a blue carrier


Genetically speaking, those dogs couldn't be blue if he is the real father and he didn't carry the dilution gene


I'd love there to be more research into the seal gene (like chinaman had) because many old timers say it's a half blue and can produce blue but they've done nothing with the genetics to find out, afaik


And also, having AmStaff blood did Homer Balboa no harm ...

Edited by Dead Eyes
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A mate i shoot with has a lab it's got a head like a bucket and more muscle than most bull x I've seen hell of a temper on him to boot

Yep, Labs can be firey. A friend used to use one for drawing and statistically they cause more people to go to A + E than any other breed, or at least they used to.

But I only used the Labrador as an example for those who say that if a terrier has a smooth coat and large head it's a bull cross.

This statement nearly always is made through jealousy.by folk who don't keep fell terriers but seem to feel the need to find something wrong with their bloodlines.

It would fit them better to pay attention to their own blood lines and they mightn't be in the trouble they're in.

Who cares if there's a little bull in some terriers, a lot of bull in others or if indeed the working black terrier is in fact a bull terrier with a little bit of terrier in it.

One things for sure, it's the most popular type with those who take terrier work seriously. So something must be right.


As for those who say a terrier with a big bully type head must have bull in it.

How did the bulldog and old pit bull types get big strong heads in the first place ?

They were never bred for looks but because form follows function they've ended up looking as they do.

Maybe the same happened a lot of our terrier lines ?

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A mate i shoot with has a lab it's got a head like a bucket and more muscle than most bull x I've seen hell of a temper on him to boot


Yep, Labs can be firey. A friend used to use one for drawing and statistically they cause more people to go to A + E than any other breed, or at least they used to.

But I only used the Labrador as an example for those who say that if a terrier has a smooth coat and large head it's a bull cross.

This statement nearly always is made through jealousy.by folk who don't keep fell terriers but seem to feel the need to find something wrong with their bloodlines.

It would fit them better to pay attention to their own blood lines and they mightn't be in the trouble they're in.

Who cares if there's a little bull in some terriers, a lot of bull in others or if indeed the working black terrier is in fact a bull terrier with a little bit of terrier in it.

One things for sure, it's the most popular type with those who take terrier work seriously. So something must be right.


As for those who say a terrier with a big bully type head must have bull in it.

How did the bulldog and old pit bull types get big strong heads in the first place ?

They were never bred for looks but because form follows function they've ended up looking as they do.

Maybe the same happened a lot of our terrier lines ?

you do some back tracking chum
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Theres also a difference in the black dogs and white dogs when people look at them. When someone sees a strong black dog usually no bull is mentioned, but you see a strong white dog, everyone says its a bull Russell. My opinion, most terriers have a bit of it.

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If you breed a 1/4 Bull patterdale dog to a 1/4 Bull patterdale bitch and every generation is bred down off of these 2 dogs then 30 years later they are still 1/4 Bull patterdales are they not?regardless of which type they look like. No shame in that.

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Who cares once they work if it's all ready been put in there well its history it's in the bloodline some choose ta put it in some don't that's up to them I'd be more worried about the lads that are just puting any old cur of a bull breed in and hope for best.

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If you breed a 1/4 Bull patterdale dog to a 1/4 Bull patterdale bitch and every generation is bred down off of these 2 dogs then 30 years later they are still 1/4 Bull patterdales are they not?regardless of which type they look like. No shame in that.

they might be or they might not be-i put a 1/4 bred to a 1/4 bred and got a litter of nigh full bull terriers(bar one).
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What are these then?

Top photo is a Pedigree Patterdale terrier?


Bottom photo is a Bull / Russell (Didn't Bert Gripton's terriers have that blue spotting in them?)


Bert Gripton Terrier 01.jpg


What is the breeding behind this dog, interested in hearing what people think.


Terrier 2017.jpg

P3d I reckon he's about a quarter bull at best buto from a line that's been kept tight for years lol

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What are these then?

Top photo is a Pedigree Patterdale terrier?


Bottom photo is a Bull / Russell (Didn't Bert Gripton's terriers have that blue spotting in them?)


Bert Gripton Terrier 01.jpg


What is the breeding behind this dog, interested in hearing what people think.


Terrier 2017.jpg

P3d I reckon he's about a quarter bull at best buto from a line that's been kept tight for years lol



Spot on, any papers with him LOL

Fine looking dog, I had a half cross SBT years ago that had a head like that, he was a great terrier.

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The blue probably came from the garner blood then. Like i said im friend's of the man and never seen a blue dog on his property and he wouldnt allow one on his property. And the bottom half of that ped was someon elses so who knows what they put in it. If you didnt see MR BOUDREAUX do the breeding and see him whelping it and then seeing blue dogs or hearing it from him dont believe it. Because then your just spreading 2nd hand crap. Amd dogman, the same thing goes for you and the grapevine. Not trying to be dick but but dont go off what you heard if you dont have or owned any of that blood. It makes it 2nd hand gossip. But i guess the most folks are like,if the lies are told long enough and enough folks believe it then it must be true. And i didnt have a yard of his dogs for no reason. I dont feed crap.

I got the information from a Facebook board. The guy that owned the blue (don't know if he did the breeding or not) posted some info up and I've screen shorted it, deleted his name and uploaded it to Photobucket but Photobucket has got a virus on my phone and won't let me get the link. I must have tried two dozen times now

I remember you being friends with the man, but with 100% certainty I can say that (if the breeding of those blues I mentioned is true) Skull is a blue carrier

Genetically speaking, those dogs couldn't be blue if he is the real father and he didn't carry the dilution gene

I'd love there to be more research into the seal gene (like chinaman had) because many old timers say it's a half blue and can produce blue but they've done nothing with the genetics to find out, afaik

And also, having AmStaff blood did Homer Balboa no harm ...

dead eyes not trying to stir nothing up but you can't always believe what you read especially on Facebook. Skull does not carry blue neither does Maverick , I've personally never seen a blue dog off Floyds yard and for that matter never seen one of people who had dogs direct off Floyd. If a blue cropped up it certainly had to come from the garner blood and with him you never know what you are getting and that's a fact. I know a guy who had direct offspring of skull and bred them very closely and never gotten any blues. The color you call seal is common it's more or less a washed out black but even seal colored dogs of that line do not throw blue whatsoever. Facebook is filled with knobs , I surely wouldn't be getting advice off Floyds dogs from there. What I would do is get Floyds number and call him directly then you'll have the right information you are looking for. I personally know a hand full of people who are close with Floyd and say he's one nice gentleman. That's what I would do anyhow, you can never beat going to the source.
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What are these then?

Top photo is a Pedigree Patterdale terrier?


Bottom photo is a Bull / Russell (Didn't Bert Gripton's terriers have that blue spotting in them?)


Bert Gripton Terrier 01.jpg


What is the breeding behind this dog, interested in hearing what people think.


Terrier 2017.jpg

P3d I reckon he's about a quarter bull at best buto from a line that's been kept tight for years lol

Spot on, any papers with him LOL

Fine looking dog, I had a half cross SBT years ago that had a head like that, he was a great terrier.

The is but you would get it hard to get them out of me lol. These are only about a quarter bull but kept bred tight and they keep throwing good heads and throwing to stamp Edited by shaneg
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