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Snp To Consider Tightening Laws On Fox Hunting

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When it comes to animals, we would do better to be more concerned over the manner of it's life rather than the manner of it's death ;/

Religion has no place in modern society, if you chose to believe in pretend made up magic wizards in the sky then that's fine but don't push your rubbish onto the rest of us, don't have special laws,

I'd like to know the SNP's views on Halal slaughter.....

2nd to last paragraph people will come to Scotland on holiday and drink more whisky if we oppose the ban (generally)

Y.I.S Leeview

yoos can take our whisky but you'll niever take our foxes! :laugh:

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Thing is I see loads being done by supporters of the anti movement the mrs was showing me on her face book its riddled with anti propaganda but I don't see any real pro hunting campaigns the antis are embracing social media and using it to there strength. ..a lot more needs to be done by the hunting/ rural communities...maybe time to march again difference being this time it would be a March on a government that's in our favour.

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now wouldn t it be nice if david Cameron had a few whisky's grew some balls and used the parliament act to reverse the ban and told sturgeon to fck off

:lol::lol::lol: ......more chance of swimming the Atlantic with a fcuking cooker on your back ...nice thought though !

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Thing is I see loads being done by supporters of the anti movement the mrs was showing me on her face book its riddled with anti propaganda but I don't see any real pro hunting campaigns the antis are embracing social media and using it to there strength. ..a lot more needs to be done by the hunting/ rural communities...maybe time to march again difference being this time it would be a March on a government that's in our favour.

Bang on :yes: The hunting community are shite at activism and propaganda and they're up against some very experienced organisers and activists on the anti side...

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I'd like to know the SNP's views on Halal slaughter..... :hmm:

I'd like to know the SNPs views on anything other than opposing everything the government puts forward.


Let's face it all I've heard from them is "if we don't get our way we will vote against and oppose this policy and that policy" seriously they're like feckin kids.

The SNP said quite plainly we will only vote on policy that directly affects Scotland, yet only a few months down the line and there are threatening to vote against a hunting ban which has feck all to do with them in Scotland and threatening us about changes to the NHS in England and all manner of things, every time I hear one of her rabble on the TV it's always a protest interview.

Come on SNP where's YOUR policy? How you running YOUR police force? Hows YOUR crime reducing? How's YOUR schools doing? How's YOUR unemployment reducing?


I'm strongly in favour of the union as I've said many times on here, but if this is their idea of government I sadly think it's time for them to go their own way.

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