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It would, but the Ministry of Information is a propaganda machine. Nothing more. Unbiased factual reporting would clearly show that coursing would protect the hare. Also generate income for the landow

Like Stig says..why the hell do you folk watch it knowing its biased as hell. I stopped watching it a while ago simply for the fact that Craven is a two faced lying bstard. Infact the whole BBC can ge

don't know why hunting dog men bother watching the shite..

I don't jump on the band wagon ..........it must be wrong of me watching it .,......

I didn't see last nights , but I would watch it.........that's what I said........

no point getting upset wilf ................especially on the net ..............make yourself ill......... :laugh:

the high internet brigade........pmsl

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All i will say its not good having a 4x4 driven at you. There must be some bad people jn the sport who stain the good name of others..


I really do wonder if anybody would give a shit if every Colin McRae with a saluki fecked off and took up knitting.


It only has the police priority it does because of the damage caused. It would have no priority at all if farms weren't being damaged and keepers weren't being bothered.

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I disagree BH the only reason coursing is a priority is because the rspca are so involved with the police we all know they act like they have the power of the plod already and I'm damned sure its them who are pulling the strings lets be honest farmers and keepers have had hassle since well before the ban it aint nothing new and we are well used to dealing with it so just who is making the police prioritize coursing.

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I disagree BH the only reason coursing is a priority is because the rspca are so involved with the police we all know they act like they have the power of the plod already and I'm damned sure its them who are pulling the strings lets be honest farmers and keepers have had hassle since well before the ban it aint nothing new and we are well used to dealing with it so just who is making the police prioritize coursing.

you are correct in what you say ..but its a easy touch for plod to nick a few guys with dogs and convict them keeps there crime convictions up without a lot of input ,

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I disagree BH the only reason coursing is a priority is because the rspca are so involved with the police we all know they act like they have the power of the plod already and I'm damned sure its them who are pulling the strings lets be honest farmers and keepers have had hassle since well before the ban it aint nothing new and we are well used to dealing with it so just who is making the police prioritize coursing.


Maybe a factor Dan but I would say if the RSPCA were the sole string pullers on this they would be targeting the organised hunts. I'd say random acts of coursing is small fry to them. Farmers really don't like lurchers in Lincolnshire mate, 95% of locals immediately tar a lad with a lurcher in a field as a wrong'en. It's just the attitude round here. The police wouldn't be able to justify the resources they invest into this if there was no actual damage being caused. JMO like. I respect yours all the same.

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