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About NickF

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 07/01/2010

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  1. My last bitch Annabel, absolute rocket, RIP
  2. The Middle East is only ever quiet when its controlled by Dictators. Try to introduce a democracy is futile. Here comes the next lot; http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/08/22/376201/yemenis-call-for-govt-to-step-down/
  3. Does this actually work on rabbits? What the battery life like? Seems to good to be true...
  4. I thought Tumbler was a term given to dogs that role after striking a rabbit. I do see them advertised in the back of CMW though. Always wondered how they looked, got any pics :-)
  5. Mine likes a swim, being thic/course coated it must be a hellish relief in this weather. Nice pics mate
  6. Are we not best mates on here then
  7. Sorry top hijack the thread but have you got a link for the one you use? cheers
  8. I use one of these when out; http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CUSHION-WEBBING-LEAD-LUNGE-REIN-LONG-LINE-LEAD-HORSE-DOG-TRAINING-TRACKING-/111069154834?pt=UK_Home_Garden_Kitchen_Steamers_Cookers_PP&var=&hash=item5f805c99ec Start recall training in doors along the corridor first with lots of good quality treats, each time it comes to you and it will as your indoors with food, let it scent the treat in your hand then ask it to sit by raising your hand. Do this a few times. When you go out with it on one of these leads, do the same. I go to the local cricket pitch as there is little scent if
  9. There is a good article on puppies and 'established' dogs written by skycat in the CW at the moment. Its the first of a series I think
  10. Now that would make a tidy cross. He looks real racy. Cracking dog. How old is he? Cracking looking dog mate
  11. Fascinating read. Goes to prove how this forum is so 'emotive'; this forum has people that run dogs on every ground type, using dogs bred from many different breeds sight and scent and many in between. Its no wonder we never or rarely see eye to eye on what's 'right'.
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