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the_stig last won the day on June 28 2014

the_stig had the most liked content!

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6,614 Excellent

About the_stig

  • Rank
    Extreme David Dickinson Fan

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  1. you didn't reply last night --must of been waiting on your mrs to tell you what to put..
  2. why??, i think the same as the others, if you don't want to come on here then its very simple. "don't log on" never understand all these remove my account posts bla bla if a couple of mods are going to follow me round the site removing my posts whats the point being here all I`m saying is if you don't want me on remove me ------PAULUS I asked you to remove me because I thought you were a friend .. I wont post on here again but I really didn't think asking to be removed from a site I no longer wish to be on would be such an issue ---really do you
  3. I removed your posts. Without getting into an argument or a long winded "why" discussion. Just think on. You know "why". You knew the reaction they would get whilst typing them out. Highlighting them in bold and hitting the post button. so why didn't you say last night you were on when the post went on seems some of the mods are a bit spine less and have to wait for matt to come on soon as he did you went running ---- just for the record nothing I posted was highlighted in bold ....
  4. and the c**ts still hav`nt deleted me I guess I`ll just have to not log on...
  5. If someone doesn't want to log in and read the forum, why is it such a big issue? yawn
  6. if someone wants to be deleted why is it such a big issue...
  7. Indeed Invest your money and take your chance buddy I'll rest easy; I've found in life, a dickhead is a dickhead, no matter how deep his pockets are
  8. Do you really want me to share the details? Are you sure? (for information with innocent bystanders reading this sad story, that is not what it was for) I asked a simple question again you`ve made it personal ....other mods have been on all night but you have to take up the reign ....
  9. well matthew we`ll see how things pan out,,,
  10. Would you like to give an example? Stig, I've not been online since this morning, so don't know what's happened. The only thing I'm certain of, is that you deserved any warning you were given because I disagreed with the information you gave a lad over some gin traps, you used your power as a mod to remove my post and gloss over your own posts --theres a point when you have to hold up your hands up step back and admit your wrong you just hav`nt found that part of your personality yet...
  11. and you went to the trouble to post that :laugh:
  12. Put sheep roofing on it then they have no chance...... the blue stuff that looks like the sky ? No the pink stuff that looks like a........... candy floss
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