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Everything posted by lurchergrrl

  1. Any time I've been to the fens, I expect a tumbleweed to roll across the road; it's bleak. I don't like it in Lincs .... flat and boring. And the people talk funny
  2. It's only thanks to being on this site for so long that I'm now suitably armed for unwanted visitors. They've been here before too - tried to step right through my front door when I opened it. I'd have been intimidated if I didn't know the score, but as it was she was told in no uncertain terms to get off my property before I reported her for trespassing and to come back with a warrant if she was so concerned. Never heard from them after that. Never ceases to amaze me how many people are fooled by them and blindly feed the the RSPCA coffers, thinking they are right and just. I've even edu
  3. Kinda wish I'd gone to the match now - a good streaker always lifts my spirits
  4. Was that you Dytkos? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXv_x1DZNGM
  5. Excellent fight, very close all the way along. I let the kids stay up late to watch it with me
  6. Eh, The elderly shouldnt be on the road in the first place, fekin nuisance, euthanase at 50 i say I stopped a little old lady last week, white clap-trap of a car, she could barely see over the dash bless her. Gave her the ticket and she light up like a Christmas tree. It's the simple things I guess ... wouldn't want to be driving behind her on the motorway, mind
  7. Muskoka (a place in Northern Ontario) My home made flap jacks Chocolate A morning in the gym Laughing till I cry
  8. I have always done the same,,,in fact in one car park in our town everybody was doing it,,, even to the point of sticking the ticket on the machine,,,if no one was around............gues what though,, the council changed the machines ,, and now you have to type part of your reg plate in the machine They really are such knobs! We haven't got machines like that. A warden stopped me once and tried to tell me I couldn't do it - I told him it was my ticket, I paid for it and would do what I wanted with it. Then I politely told him to have intercourse with himself I bet he went of muttering abo
  9. I have always done the same,,,in fact in one car park in our town everybody was doing it,,, even to the point of sticking the ticket on the machine,,,if no one was around............gues what though,, the council changed the machines ,, and now you have to type part of your reg plate in the machine They really are such knobs! We haven't got machines like that. A warden stopped me once and tried to tell me I couldn't do it - I told him it was my ticket, I paid for it and would do what I wanted with it. Then I politely told him to have intercourse with himself
  10. Flat pack furniture that's missing the instructions! or in chinese!!!!! I get more pissed off at all the friggin' Arabic!
  11. When I've got an extra quid or two, I over pay on a parking ticket in town and then when I get back to the car, I wait for an elderly person to approach the ticket machine or drive in to the car park, stop them and give them my ticket. Never fails to cheer them up and doesn't cost me much. I put that feeling in my Karma bank
  12. Flat pack furniture that's missing the instructions!
  13. Freshly washed and line dried bedding. The smell of the woods after a heavy rainfall. Watching the dogs loon about on the moors. Paying forward acts of kindness. The sights and sounds and smells of English countryside - no matter the weather. Hanging about in the lambing sheds in the middle of the night. The satisfaction of clean plates and smiles all around after I've done home made roast and pudding. Vegging out with the kids watching Spongebob and the Regular Show. Celebrity Juice Random hugs.
  14. Oh give over, that's good sporting fun
  15. Arrogance, bad manners, trampy women, men who like to swing their fists, people who bleat about how hard their life is, and peeling shallots - that's a hateful job.
  16. Hurry up then............. I just nipped over to Tesco's and there she was: bad dye job, ill fitting clothes, and porn star shoes ... I nearly choked on my laughter. I'd have took a picture for you but I didn't want her to drive her heel through my eyeball if she caught me
  17. Kinda wish I hadn't read that Just line them up and kill them, that's my opinion. They'll get what's coming to them inside.
  18. I can send you some links if you like? :laugh:
  19. NEVER NEVER NEVER! ... also couples who wear matching jumpers tied round their neck, usually over top very ugly and overly expensive shirts, paired up with starched tan trousers. Men who wear smart black shoes and white socks. Drivers who don't know their car has indicators. My Klampit neighbours. Parents who don't discipline their kids. Women in porn star shoes with the heels all bent and worn, tottering around in Tesco. Fat chicks in see through leggings How do you know what they look like?.. I'm no angel Lab
  20. NEVER NEVER NEVER! ... also couples who wear matching jumpers tied round their neck, usually over top very ugly and overly expensive shirts, paired up with starched tan trousers. Men who wear smart black shoes and white socks. Drivers who don't know their car has indicators. My Klampit neighbours. Parents who don't discipline their kids. Women in porn star shoes with the heels all bent and worn, tottering around in Tesco. Fat chicks in see through leggings
  21. I know where your coming from flower http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfJiPPsHJEQ
  22. Opinionated men who don't respect opinionated women
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