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About gravedigger

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 18/11/1976

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    in the woods
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  1. Thats what ive got.....second X beddie/whip(sire)...collie grey/whip(dam)....only thing is hes quite hard mouthed,bites like a crocodile lol...but its not something that bothers me so pretty much ideal dog for me....
  2. A know what you mean general....fair point atb..gravedigger
  3. well there are believe it or not some folk on this forum who are only just getting into working with a dog,ferret,hawk etc and its important they know there rights !!!!!! Not everyone been in it 20+ years an know the game an current leglislation inside out...atb gravedigger
  4. Cheers lads....only lost the eye two weeks ago last night first time av had him on the hills since...so well pleased he can still catch...just goes to show , one eye or not a worker will always work....onwards an upwards..atb gravedigger..
  5. Pirate lurcher is what my two young boys call the dog as he now only has one eye...caught one of them tryin to put an eye patch from a costume on him lol...any way had him out last night an he took a few rabbits...missed a few a wouldve expected him to take but so far the signs are good hes adjusting to losing an eye....atb...gravedigger..
  6. Well said mate.....they have to catch you first lol.....back to the old days of gamekeeper v poacher lol......f#ck the antis they'll never beat us lads.....one of the best things av ever saw was an anti try to confront my mate whose terrier was well marked up (pre ban) only to end up eatin a right hander which knocked him out cold an sent his anti mates up there own ars#'s lol...long live the dogmen !!!!!!!!
  7. Healthy lookin pups mate....atb with them..gravedigger
  8. So how do sspca powers differ from rspca stranger..?? Thought they would have been the same given that there both charities!!..just incase they turn up at my door lol.....atb..gravedigger
  9. The above post was originally posted in the lurcher section by tiercel so tjanks to him for the info...ive just reposted it because i think all lads with working animals should know exactly where they stand with this lot as regards to there (lack of) powers...atb..gravedigger
  10. Things to remember about the RSPCA. > The RSPCA is a charity. > The Inspectorate is NOT a public law enforcement body. > Society Inspectors have NO special legal powers whatsoever. > They have NO special powers to arrest offenders. > They have NO right to enter your home to inspect your animals or to demand that you answer any of their questions. > They have NO right of access to shows, fairs and markets other than as members of the public, and can only carry out any law enforcement function as an assistant to a police-officer, upon that officers reque
  11. 16 million !!!!!! What a scandalous use of public donations !!! Disgraceful !!!!
  12. Think the original post from tiercel should be pinned in any forum on here that involves a working animal..dog,ferret,gundog,hawks etc etc..bet there is a lot of folk still in the dark about this lots (lack of) powers.....could mods maybe look into this ??? Atb....gravedigger
  13. Thanks for the link TC an thanks for the original post....very informative..atb..gravedigger
  14. Lol....fair play lads some of the replys are nearly as funny as the rspca/sspca's delusions of power !!!!
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