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Everything posted by C556

  1. I doubt the THL regulars would be that popular with the Marxist YPG There's been a few British leftists that have gone over to Rojava to fight with the YPG though, they formed the Bob Crow Brigade Very true, although they are being armed by Trump, and US special forces are providing training and fighting alongside them. There's also a fair few British ex squaddies in the International Brigade doing their bit to defeat ISIS.
  2. Sounds like a good plot for a film on Movies4Men.
  3. If anyone is single with no children, has six months to spare, and wants to fight ISIS on their own turf, there's always the YPG if they'll take you.
  4. It is unfortunate that something can't be done to the Gulf states like Saudi Arabia, to dissuade them from funding and supporting extremist Islamic groups.
  5. Spill as much of Islamic State's blood as possible in Syria to prevent their terrorists returning to the UK and carrying out more murders.
  6. Keep out the red menace!
  7. The parts of the manifesto that appealed most to me, were reducing immigration, increasing defence spending, a free vote on fox hunting, and no chance of a vote on Scottish independence till after the brexit process. I'd like to see how Theresa performs over the next parliament, as she comes across as a far better leader than what the rest of the other parties have.
  8. You should have more sense. You're a scot. Scotland is a tory free zone. You should go round in sack cloth and ashes with opinions like that.I've got some bad news for you, the Tories are making a comeback in Scotland. In fact, they're even more popular than Labour now
  9. The gist of what I heard is that Labour wants the government to run up more debt and spend more of people's money. That doesn't sound very appealing to me.
  10. I remember being told at school, "Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never harm you". I can imagine a lot of tears when these people have to leave their cotton wool existence and get a real job.
  11. Vote Tories in the hope of a 'hard brexit', and to stick two fingers up to the SNP.
  12. I'd have no problems with puppy farming if if bred healthier, better quality dogs, but it doesn't. The only way to breed better quality, healthier dogs is to breed them for their working abilities. The health and abilities of show dogs will continue to degrade down the generations as has happened already.
  13. Why are the children 'questioning their gender'? I never knew anyone who questioned their gender while I was at school.
  14. Rubbish dogs for fools. I'll continue getting my pet dogs for £50 from the pound.
  15. Take the risk, that's how fortunes are made. You'll be able to pick yourself back off the floor if it goes awry. If you don't you'll always be wondering "what if?"
  16. I'm a little person who works. I think the best way to help the poor is to have a thriving economy that creates jobs and gives them the opportunity to better themselves.
  17. Unfortunately I'm neither rich or part of the cultural elite
  18. You joking? That'd draw the little pricks to them like flies to shiit! We don't have basic accountability down yet,I'd prefer we start with that and see what happens. No , The pricks will be sick after watching Tyson getting juiced for no insuranc I cannot for the life of me understand why the breeders are not held accountable alongside the owners They'd probably move on to other breeds like Alsations, Malinois or Ovcharkas. If they faced restrictions then they'd end up backyard breeding dangerously aggressive Labradors.I don't think so meself. I've seen a few young lads by the
  19. You assume those with little life experience will always vote the same and not change their views surely history shows that people who voted join then voted leave ? Exactly, how many people were lefties when they were young? I know I was Then I got responsibilities and grew up It's true, people become more right wing as they get older. I was a commie in my teens
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