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Everything posted by Runningdogs3

  1. Personally I think you will be making the right decision not to do anything right now. A litter of pups always sounds really nice but if you are not committed they can be more trouble than they are worth. Your mates may say they will have a pup but are they also prepared to help you clean up shit, change bedding, mush up feed and help out with any vet bills as well as all the other costs incurred in raising a litter. It's a lot of work especially if you have a job to go to as well. Well done mate for thinking it through! So many people don't and it's the dogs that suffer.
  2. I am going to presume you mean a jacket for inside the kennel not inside the house? I usually get them off ebay but only use them when it's below freezing or if they are knackered or a bit off colour.
  3. Take point A and slot between points B and C. Lock in place with points D and E. One folded up Saluki. Caution this is not guaranteed to work with other breeds!
  4. Good for you mate. Lack of money is a poor excuse. It is not that difficult to rehome a dog if you can't afford to keep it. Plenty of people willing to give them a good home and if you look around hard enough. Problem is some people would rather starve them than give them away. They think of them as a commodity and not a living thing.
  5. Well I've got a ridgeback x greyhound and it is soft as shit! Reckon if anyone broke in it would show them round the place for a biscuit and a pat. :laugh: However I have a Saluki bitch who has the guarding instinct of a doberman. No one would get past her. She hasn't bitten anyone but I wouldn't like to test that she wouldn't. However the sight of her launching at the door with bared teeth I am sure would put off any would be burglar!
  6. Pups look well mate. Good luck with them.
  7. That made me laugh because I remember couple a years back on moors. Slipped dog on a couple bunnies. They bolted around headed for the lane running through that part. Only then did I remember the cattle grids! Heart was in my mouth and I was shouting grids grids, like the dog knew what I was on about! Anyway clever lad that he was he spotted them and cleared them in one grabbing his quarry on the other side.
  8. At that age it does depend on whether it was wormed with the litter. I do my litters with Drontal puppy suspension every two weeks from two weeks of age and advise any new owners to continue until 12 weeks. After that with mine I move on to every three months until 12 months then twice yearly. (Unless I have reason to believe an extra worming is necessary) Problem is if you have a pup that wasn't wormed as part of a litter or you just don't know I would do 3 x 2 weekly worming before going to every 3 months just to be on safe side. Won't kill it and it's a small price to pay compared with
  9. Are you sure there is no Saluki in that pup?
  10. Put a dog of mine in kennels for 10 days when I went away. Never again. Looked like a toast rack when I got him back. All up the inside of his legs were skinned and bleeding. Apparently he had been climbing over the 7ft fence of his run to get out. How they hadn't noticed the damage this was causing I don't know! Anyway I stick with dog sitters now or stay at home. Even took the kids camping instead of anything else so I could take the dogs too!
  11. Only that they are a pain in the arse. My dog hit his shoulder going over a five bar. 2 days rest, 4 weeks on the lead, started jogging a few weeks all fine. Ran him went lame. Everytime I get him looking half decent goes again. Getting really pissed off. Going to leave him this season now. Bitch is almost fit enough to do a bit after her litter so going to concentrate on her instead. Hope things go better for you mate. Good luck with it.
  12. This is my lad. Only 14 weeks though so a while to go yet!
  13. They all develop at different rates. My male Saluki was almost two before he looked anything like a decent dog but my bitch was well muscled at 12-14 months. At 8 months your pup is very likely in the adolescent scrawny gangly stage and there will be very little you can do to improve till it is passed. A little more road work could possibly help as long as you don't over do it and steady walking up hills is great for toning hindquarters but again don't over do it. Aim for a happy healthy well balanced pup rather than the best looking miserable one.
  14. Good on you mate for taking her in. I am sure she will make a great dog. A good little trick that might help you determine how deaf she is. Tune a radio in to static (white noise) then switch it on when you are with her and see if you get any response. Saluki types can be a bit prone to ignoring you until they get to know you. I think it is a bit of self defence and previous loyalties but when they do bond tend to be one person dogs.
  15. The only thing that annoys me about vets is when you take two dogs at once why do they still charge two consultation fees? You only see them once and the appointment is never twice as long! On saying that our vet is pretty good about nails, weighing etc and do a free of charge surgery twice a week for that kind of thing. Took my bitch in for her nails after I had weaned the pups as it was easier than fighting with her at home. It's great hearing the words " No charge for today"
  16. Must admit some of my litter went to pet homes but I checked them all out first and made sure they had had a Saluki before or at least had the know how to look after one. Didn't like the idea of my pups going to people who wanted them as a fashion accessory and the getting shut because they couldn't cope with their natural instincts. They all look so cute as pups but they aren't so cute when they are being destructive, wrecking the garden and chasing everything in sight because they are bored and pissed off.
  17. He's not bad but not really my type as I have my Sals. Was looking for a companion quite a few years back for my collie x and he was looking for a home and my daughter adores him. That pic was taken a couple of years back. We can't get him out as much now as he suffers with arthritis (he is 11) and as he is neutered as well he is getting a bit on the heavy side. Buggar to fit a collar to. Small head and thick neck and chest. They slide right off if youre not careful!
  18. This is mine. Far as I know he is a first cross Ridgeback Greyhound. Has a bit of a thing for sheep which is why he was given up. Not sure if that could be a trait of the breeding so it would pay to be cautious. Doesn't matter for us as I don't work him and my little girl just has him as a pet.
  19. I have one. Didn't get him for hunting, just took him in as he needed a home and I had space in front of the fire. He has been a good dog though, and still has a fair turn of speed on him even though he is now 11 and a little overweight.
  20. She is a really smart little bitch. Great that you have such a good bond with her. I was like that with my collie cross who I lost to cancer last year but the Salukis I have arent as easy to relate to all the time.
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