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About Runningdogs3

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Yeah i just dont pay tax maye and what money i graft for is mine pal I meant you must have a lot of spare time or help as it is a big job to bring up pups properly!
  2. Cheers for that pal at least theres somebody on here thats willing to give advice and not go on like there in play group thanks That's ok. Just make sure you think long and hard and do your research before having your bitch lined. Raising a litter can be very costly and extremely time consuming not to mention the homing of the pups you don't want. The last thing the rescue centres need is more lurchers. Just gives working lads a bad name when dogs end up there.
  3. I take it you don't have a job then if you are planning to bring on an entire litter of possibly 8 or 9 pups? Or do you have staff?
  4. your not for real are you? that has to be the worst excuse i have ever heard for breeding a litter. Ha ha - and I was trying to be nice!
  5. I'd work with her another 12 months mate. If she isn't mature enough to work properly with you she might not be mature enough to raise a litter and pups are hard enough work to raise with a good mum. If she needs a lot of help it's a full time job and more. My stud dog doesn't go over anything that's not proven and you will find a lot of people with good dogs won't because they don't want the dogs name spoiled. Give her another year or so and let her mature a bit and prove herself as a worker and then you will be able to find a decent dog to put over her. Sometimes a little patience is fo
  6. Sounds like a fun walk! Can never work that out though. When it's fine and dry you can't move for people walking dogs. As soon as the weather gets a bit shitty they all vanish! Do they all have special breeds that don't need at least a shit and a leg stretch in bad weather?
  7. Lovely looking pup. Well done for taking her in and giving her the care she so badly needed.
  8. So true. Lost one of mine a few years ago when his back leg snapped in 3 places chasing a football in the garden with the kids. 2 days before that he had been out hunting. It could have happened anywhere. Sorry to hear about your dog. Try and remember her as she was and not how it ended.
  9. So basically they haven't got a clue and are trying every angle possible to get rid of the poor little sods as fast as possible. Besides which don't chihuahuas have all sorts of congenital problems?
  10. Great pics. Those pups looking in really good condition.
  11. She looks like she is in top form and having a great time too!
  12. Dog in the ad doesn't really look pure IMO. Face a bit short and stoop too deep. Def not Cruise if it is as they are known for a shallow stoop and long narrow face and broad forehead. Hope they didn't pay too much for it I think they might have been ripped off!
  13. Red was Shearer to Rose. Not pure Saluki although probably 90% when it comes right down to it! Shearer is Foxy x Deacon Rose is Cruise x Seagull
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