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Everything posted by Runningdogs3

  1. I always walk mine for 10 minutes after running or jogging and make sure they are steady with the water too, restricting them if I have to until they have cooled. They always throw up if they guzzle too much water after hard exercise and it can give them stomach cramps as well. Personally I feed about an hour after exercise. Course that is only the way I do things. Everyone has a different opinion.
  2. Pups weaned and I have been gradually building up my bitches exercise on lead. Having worked up to between 5 and 8 miles a day, mostly walking and a bit of jogging, her mustle tone has improved and her teats shrunk back up to a reasonable size. It was time for a run. Wish I could have got some better pictures as the pure joy on her face when I took her onto the field and let her go was unbelievable. Had to keep calling her back and sitting with her for a minute before letting her go again so as not to overdo it. Didn't realise how much I had missed watch that dog run! With a bit of patience I
  3. Thanks guys. Some are going to some really good working homes so I am hoping to hear good things from in the future. Keeping one bitch back who is a determined little sod and can be a real pain in the backside but due to her nature I am expecting good things from her. I just need to be more bloody minded than she is! I am keeping another bitch for a mate until season is over and then he will take her from there so at least there will be two of them together. A system which I hope should work well for both of us.
  4. not saying you carnt get a good dog from him,! but dont like the fact his dogs( collie + colliex studs and grey dams) are stuck in the kennels 24/7, and never see a rabbits .i think in the 80s he tested few studs , but not now . Thats why i would never go there, not saying its got to be worker-worker either, as most lines start with 1xs .just rather have pup from parents that been out in the fields thats seen bit of quarry .! Might get myself slated for this but do you think it makes a difference what the parents have seen. Not that I am a fan of 24/7 kennelling. My poor dogs get dragg
  5. Bitch is out of a pure saluki by red dog. Sire is out of a Foxy/ Charlie bitch by Dan dog.
  6. Just been looking back through my photos over the last few weeks and found it interesting how fast my pups have grown and developed their own personalities. 2 days old 3 weeks 5 weeks 7 weeks Never really looked at them stage by stage before and it is great to see how far they have come on in such a short time.
  7. Some of my dogs have them and some had them removed shortly after birth. Any later than that and it's a vet job. However of the dogs I have had with dew claws as long as they were kept tidy I haven't had a problem. In fact I have had more trouble with ripped stopper pads than dew claws.
  8. Unfortunately I have found that Salukis are the kings and queens of whinging. However they do get better as they get older. Not all dogs are suited to a crate. Some find it oppressive but some like them as there own little haven away from everything else. Make their area as comforting and cosy as possible. Give lots of reassurance, plenty of toilet breaks, something to occupy them and praise or treats when they go quiet.
  9. Cheers guys. That certainly gives me a few to check out. I have used Jeyes before but thought you had to let everything dry before your animals went back in. Not always easy with the weather being what it is even though my run is mainly undercover.
  10. My pups are completely weaned now and have gone from kennel in the day and in at at night to permanently kennelled. Obviously they are producing an enormous amount of crap and need cleaning out constantly. I am just finding that the normal disinfectant I use for my big dogs doesn't scrub down the run area as effectively with the youngsters. Especially after they have run through all the shit and trodden it in to every nook and cranny the little sods can find!Can anyone recommend a decent quality cleaner that is easily rinsed away.
  11. I would say sheer power and stamina. Obviously mine is now old and knackered and just hangs in his bed most of the time and luckily is a very even tempered dog. However I have seen those jaws chew through bone in seconds and his chest is huge. As soon as we hit the fields even now he is alert and ready to go. As a younger dog he could certainly move but unfortunately has never been stock trained and sees sheep and anything else as fair game so i have always had to be real careful with him. I reckon he was bred for larger game and I have no doubt that deer, badgers and foxes would have had a go
  12. Strangely enough I have a Ridgeback x greyhound. Lol. He's 11 year old and neutured so you will have to excuse his belly. However he still has some life in him when he feels like it! As for temperament he is the most gentle friendly dog I have ever come across. I have even seen my daughter dress him in a skirt and tee shirt when she was younger and he never batted an eyelid. Playing with my bitch (and he has never even made her squeak)
  13. As long as it's getting enough good quality food it will be fine. If you try to push growth from a young age you can end up with all sorts of problems later with ligaments and joints.
  14. I use 2mtr nylon webbing leads. Depends what I'm doing as to what end is on the dog!
  15. Nice pack. Nothing wrong with a runt either. Some of the best dogs started off as runts. Away from the litter on decent food they often turn out to be right good dogs and surprise you!
  16. I've got an 11 year old lurcher who is in all the time and the two salukis who can be in or out. Got a galvanised mesh run and kennel in garden for when we go out or they are wet and muddy but must admit if we are home they seem to spend most of their time inside these days.
  17. Lived in France a few years back and our dogs had tatoos on their inner thighs. It is a legal requirement in France for all dogs to be either chipped or tatooed but they suggest the thigh rather than the ear after thieves began cutting off the ears that were marked. Course the dog has to be found before you can check its mark regardless of what or where it is.
  18. My bitch humps my male just before she is due in season. I think its a dominance thing as she is definately boss. However perhaps she is just showing what to do!
  19. Inbreeding is breeding two dogs with a close relative, sibling or parent. Line breeding is breeding two dogs with a common relative. Same grandparent is a common choice. This is done as the genes on both sides often bring out a certain desired behaviour or colour etc. from the shared relative. Out breeding is breeding two dogs from completely different families.
  20. Hi everyone I have been looking at this forum for a while now and enjoying your banter. I have a pair of working Salukis who I enjoy the odd outing with locally. My dog is by Dan dog and my bitch is from the Red dog. We recently had a litter from them and are hoping to get some really good dogs out of it. Hope you enjoy the photos!
  21. I tried duvets and I agree they are awful after a few wet paws have been over them. Nedz bedz medicated horse bedding is warm and really absorbent but gets a bit expensive and sticks to wet concrete if they drag it out on their feet (then clogs your drains when you hose it out!)Insulated floors and carpet seems to work best for me although the pups have polyester fur with old towels underneath as any wet seems to drain through and leave top layer dry.Although at 5 weeks they seem to have just about figured out that peeing in your bed isn't the best plan!
  22. My dog is by Dan out of a Foxy/Charlie bitch.
  23. Hi, I am on the Lancashire/Yorkshire Border and have two Saluki types, a bitch and a dog and an old male lurcher. I have always had running dogs as I love their sheer grace, speed, agility and extreme stamina.
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