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Everything posted by Runningdogs3

  1. Sounds like a dermoid cyst. You will need to get him checked out by the vet. some remove them and some don't it depends on the vet.
  2. Thanks guys. Couldnt decide before between him and a bitch I had. But watching them play he seemed a bit tougher,had adapted to the kennel better and was more willing to listen.
  3. Yes, Had 9 so put ad up there for the ones not reserved. Never got anything back though really. They mostly went through word of mouth! Suppose thats the best ad you can have though!
  4. Thats great news. Always good when a whelping goes well. 6 is a good number as well. Any more and they become bloody hard work. For us and the bitch!
  5. My stud dog is out of a Foxy Charlie bitch by Dan dog My bitch is out of a Saluki by The Red dog saluki. Decent lines so hopefully he should be a quick little buggar!
  6. This is the pup I kept from my litter. Dog pup 12 week old now and standing 16" to the shoulder so I think he will make a decent size.
  7. Agreed. Any dog is only worth what someone is willing to pay. Of course as he obviously has no time for the animal he should be happy you would like to offer it a good home.
  8. I had a colliex grey/sal. Best dog I ever owned. Recall of a saint. Even in full flight I could recall him if he were heading where he shouldn't. Really usefull when working small land. Had a brilliant double coat so even if it were pissing it down he stayed warm and dry underneath. Plus his feet took him anywhere and he could swim for fun. Really miss that dog!
  9. Sad news mate. Lost one of mine last year. Not good at all. RIP Duke
  10. Few year ago my collie/saluki/grey ran full tilt through some cover and stuck a piece of dead wood right through his shoulder. He managed to remove all the tendons from the bone. He had to be opened up and stitched inside and out. Was back running within three months and working in 6. Don't give up on your bitch she could surprise you all. Just give her the time she needs and don't rush things. Atb with her.
  11. Just take care of it mate. Nail beds are a buggar for getting infected. Atb with her.
  12. Taught pups to pee and poop on newspaper when they are inside. Been amusing me rather a lot as the newspapers are all full of pictures of Jimmy Saville and it's amazing how often I have to clean up his face smeared in shit and piss! :laugh:
  13. My bitch is out of pure Saluki by Red dog. My dog is out of a Foxy/ Charlie bitch by Dan Dog. First litter out of the pair so looking forward to seeing how they run.
  14. Thats funny because I have exactly the same problem. Got a dog and a bitch left out of a litter of 9. Was originally going to keep bitch but the dog pup has grown really well and turned into a lovely stamp of a dog. Now I can't decide. Playing the lottery and advertised them both. See which goes first then I don't have to make a descision. I do like your dog pup though.
  15. So I guess the mother to your pup is litter Sister to Buddy? Pretty sure Buddy is Foxy Charlie. So same lines yes but I think they were paired more than once so I am not sure if same litter.
  16. He is out of a Foxy Charlie bitch. He is 2 1/2 years.
  17. One thing at a time mate. Get your pup, find out what it is being fed on now and what it's routine is. Make any changes to it's current routine gradual. Don't swap its food overnight or you could end up with a big stinky mess on the floor. House training is simple. Put it out after food and when it wakes up from a nap. Give it lots of praise when it goes in the right place, if it trys to go in the wrong place put it outside. It will get the idea, some are quicker than others. Remember young pups can't always manage through the night so an area of newspaper is a good idea. You get a decen
  18. My bitch had 9 pups and if one was looking an bit scrawny I put it on a back teat where milks a bit more plentiful. They were fair vigorous pups too so I gave my bitch a calcium supplement due to the high milk demand to try and cut down on risk of eclampsia.
  19. Probably about the same amount that have bought a dog from working parents and it's turned out crap.
  20. Never stopped walking mine either. But she was huge the last week before whelping and it was only a couple of gentle strolls a day. 2 days after whelping I had her back out walking again and worked her up gradually. It's amazing how fast they lose condition though and I want to make sure she is in good shape before she works. Didn't fancy her running though when her teats were round her knees!
  21. Give it a whole bunch of different toys. Soft, hard, chewable, shreddable, balls,( personally I stay clear of squeaky). Watch for a few days and see what she likes best and then start to interact with her. Do it steady though so as not to put her off.
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