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Everything posted by Elliott

  1. That is one hell of a nice rifle. Personal opinion but I pefer a nice bit of wood I'd love to own an MFR, didn't realise they could be improved on even more. Get a video up of some targets at various ranges, would love to see how it performs. That's interesting Si, why the change back to .22?
  2. Thats awful Tony, I would have been really miffed by that if I'd found it, the poor thing. Gives us lot a bad name
  3. Great shooting and the pro-sport looks like a cracking rifle
  4. Cracking write up Huch! Looking forward to the next edition
  5. Now get some lead down the barrel and let us know how you get on! Oily rag will sort out and moisture so you can carry on during the monsoon!
  6. Nice shooting Fry, what cal is the Pro Sport? Love the look of these springers
  7. If you're buying more than x10 tins I'd suggest Blackpool Air Rifles for the 10% discount http://airgunbuyer.com/
  8. If you're buying more than x10 tins I'd suggest Blackpool Air Rifles for the 10% discount http://airgunbuyer.com/
  9. Thanks chaps and sorry for the volume Woodworm1972 I didn't realise how good the microphone on the Galaxy S2 was! Thanks for the kind words Si, I love nothing more than going out shooting and spend every available time that I get doing it. I've been shooting on the family farms since the age of 11 so I suppose its practice. I used to spend days out with the rifle as a boy with nothing more than a pack lunch and my jack russel for company.. mind you I did have around 1,000 acres to go at. Now I've moved away from family for work purposes I'm trying to build up some permissions and get out a
  10. Sounds great Si, keep up the goood work. Its amazing what you can do for a few quid and with a bit of imagination! I reckon if you fitted a tripod you could leave in situ to see what vermin are using your shoot and where they are, a bit like the Bushnell Trophy Cam
  11. Get looking at secondhand ones on BBS, some cracking examples on there, I've been looking at them recently. This one sold for £300 inc MTC scope recently.. http://www.airgunbbs.com/showthread.php?596040-.177-AA-Prosport
  12. I love the look of these rifles too, but have heard they are more hold sensitive than most springers.. not sure if that's true?? If I had the dosh I'd certainly be looking at a walnut stock version!
  13. Nice one Si, its looking good.. NiteHunter will be crapping themselves .. well maybe not just yet! Keep up the good work, the videos are looking great!
  14. My brother has a .22 S200 and we found that longer pellets such as AA Field Hunter can protrude ever so slightly out of the front of the magazine which jams it and stops it from cycling. We were only using them as they were thrown in with the rifle. We stick to AA Field now and don't have any problems
  15. Was asked to have a go at shooting a pellet at 40m with the HW100 from someone on YouTube. Was out on the permission on Tuesday night before bagging three rabbits and thought I'd have a go. I didn't have any time for messing about so this was my first and only attempt. There was a need for wind adjustment and at 40m it was 1.5 mil dots holdover for my .22 HW100 which is zeroed at 30m. ATB
  16. Nipped back out tonight and managed to bag another 3 rabbits, the first two of which were quite literally one after another, both taken at 40m. Unfortunately my phone battery (and the light!) went after I shot the third so wasn't able to take the final picture. The second rabbit (seen here in the picture) regretfully turned out to be a heavily pregnant doe which was a shame. Think I'll concentrate on the corvid population until the rabbits have finished breeding.
  17. Wow :shock: Looks brand new!! Next thing to do pal is get out there and shoot it!
  18. Fantastic job Darryl, looks great. Looking forward to the finished result, you should've done a YouTube tutorial :thumbup:
  19. Its such a small, open permission you don't really have any other option that to hide in wait Luckily in my experience I've found it to be the most efficient form of rabbit control anyway
  20. Well, visited the permission at 7.15am this morning and after a 20 minute stalk from 80m down to 45 was spotted at the last minute by the two rabbits I had my eye on. Nothing else showed up. Not to be deterred I popped back tonight at 6.30pm. Earlier that afternon I'd nipped into town and picked up a tin of Accupell to try in the HW100. After a quick zero and 'leading up' session I led in wait 30m from one of the rabbit hot spots. 45mins passed and it got to 7.50pm when a rabbit appeared 65m to my right. Considering it may be my only opportunity and after watching this rabbit for 20mins I
  21. Hi Si, hope your well mate. Been on and off the forum lately due to my laptop breaking and now having a 14 week old little girl - we've been busy! Yes re the scope, I'm not too keen on the SCB ret anymore, I find it too 'busy'. Thinking of swapping for a sidewinder. Incidentally what's the difference between the sidewinder and the TAC 30, I thought they were the same scope? Like you say, the good thing about the Hawke is the fine reticule - great for precision shooting which is why I find it appealing Thanks for the link Davy, I think that has confirmed my decision. Now to look for a good
  22. Looks like you all had a great time - must get to one of the THL meets ATB
  23. Tempted to swap my Viper for a Hawke Tac 30. Any opinions on these scopes?
  24. Good shooting Archie and thats a cracking looking R10
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