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white van man

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Everything posted by white van man

  1. Rusty roof, dirty cellar!
  2. Still a fair weight to be humping around Tomo! I suppose if you camped out up there then the dogs could have a good feed too.
  3. Good thread this so hopefully it keeps going. Never had a crack at this type of hunting and I’m no expert with any type of cross that suits. Size, weight and grit would make sense. Until you see the size of these animals up close and the power they have running then that’s when you can appreciate a dog that would even get up close. A dog would be no comparison in weight and would potentially be connecting with the quarry at full pace. I would imagine that would take a special dog. Risk of injury to the dog when in a really remote place would also need to be considered. I’ve always wondered ho
  4. Cheers Kev me and Oliver will be there
  5. Weekend of 17th 18th August Bob. Kev will put a post up soon I’m sure. He’s flat out at the mo.
  6. Not too far from me. Might head up for a day if I’m free
  7. Got to be litter brothers them
  8. Looks like a top prize to donate to this years fishing comp raffle mate
  9. I was once told that sometimes we live where we don’t belong. my mates that live the simple life just seem a lot happier than the ones that have made their money.
  10. I think that’s how I would be. I’d love to live somewhere remote but I’d also like the option of getting in the car and driving to see family and friends without having to rely on a ferry or flights.
  11. That’s sad tats. I’ll be visiting the smaller islands next time I go up. I’m guessing the cost of getting all the materials across and also the build cost isn’t worth it. Shame as it would be a great place to spend your time
  12. The place in the pic is called the Gloup. Lots of sea caves up there
  13. No midge yet Tomo. May and September would be my choice of time to go. Well worth the trip
  14. Just back from Orkney so I thought I’d update the lads that commented on the thread. Bit of a trek to get there. 16 hours drive and then the 2 hour ferry. Worth every minute though. Everything mentioned above is true. Friendly people, remoteness, good fishing, plenty of military history and lots to do. We seen some fantastic places with not another person in sight. I’ll be heading back up there but hopefully for a longer trip.
  15. Great dogs for bushing. Would definitely have another. There’s a few people on here with them. Scroll down the topics and there’s plenty of info about them.
  16. It’s always the way I think Phil. At least we get to have the memories. I’m dreading the day Blue leaves us. Him and my youngest lad are best of mates.
  17. I’m no expert when it comes to Salukis or their crosses but I’d definitely say my saluki type has a different running style to him when we are on the hills. 1/4 saluki with a tiny dash of collie and the rest is grew. He’s clever and has a way of gliding over the rock piles. Decent nose and coat on him and loves to hunt up and find things. He’s coming up to 11 now and not slowing down much.
  18. Waste of money. Should have invested in a couple more safety boats
  19. We can head to Beer or Lyme Regis mate.
  20. Nice one Joe. Get yourself down here for a sea swim.
  21. Thanks for the heads up lads. Last couple of trips have been to Shetland. Made some good friends up there but fancied somewhere different this year.
  22. Cheers jok. Hoping to get out and about every day
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