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Everything posted by TAXI DRIVER

  1. Whippets are hard to beat on golf course bunnies.You`d regret getting a bigger dog that can`t get close to them.
  2. Ka mate! Ka mate! Ka ora! Ka ora! Ka mate! Ka mate! Ka ora! Ka ora! Tenei te tangata puhuru huru Nana nei i tiki mai Whakawhiti te ra A upa … ne! ka upa … ne! A upane kaupane whiti te ra! Hi! RIP
  3. 61 in Motorhead years is like living to 120.So he had a hell of a life. Good band in their day.
  4. I`ll take him out when I can but I`m testing the youngster as often as I can when the conditions are right.The old man has more than proved himself and is well walked and fed.
  5. As the weather conditions weren`t that good tonight I took the old man out for an hour on some local ground.He`s 9 and a half and has done nothing this season as I`ve been concentrating on my young dog.The old man was over the moon to be out and showed me why he was once my main man.He caught half of what he ran in poor conditions.I felt bad on the way home thinking I`d done him a disservice by getting a new dog too soon.What do you think?Are we retiring them too soon?
  6. You better stay off the drugs mate
  7. I liked the Stone Roses and still play there stuff.I watched a documentary recently about how they were ripped off by their manager.They signed a contract allowing him a third of the band`s earnings.The 4 band members were only getting a 1/6th each.They took him to court and lost,that`s why they split up.Quite sad that they wern`t allowed to reach their full potential.
  8. I like your posts about the big dog and was looking forward to seeing the pup`s progress.What a shame.These things do happen.At least you`ve got the big dog and plenty of his blood with your mates for future breeding.Good luck..
  9. ya no what I'm going to start First thing in the morning Do u do this to make u feel all manly haha lol
  10. Mate,I wouldn`t say you`re becoming soft ................................YOU`RE BECOMING A JOKE! Your own dogs don`t want to please you and your kids determine what shit you keep in your kennels.Now I can help you with a little bit of "MAN THE F--K UP" advice. Starting tomorrow,wake up and look at yourself in the mirror and shout these words "WHO`S THE DADDY?.......BOBBY`S THE DADDY".This will improve your self esteem and help you make tough decisions.Good luck.
  11. Dogs looking well.What dog did you put to your bitch to produce them pups?
  12. Isn`t there a Shankley hotel opened recently in Liverpool with a museum in it etc.
  13. Get some photos up lads. I might know of someone who may be interested in a pup
  14. Nice dogs.Good luck with them for the season.
  15. The 5x5 is the working sets. You would have some good volume in your warm up sets,unless you want to rip off a pec or two. Lol
  16. Sounds very similar to 5/3/1, I found it alright for some lifts but there wasn't enough volume for me on bench etc for example. Wasn't peogressing , enjoying westside programme atm as I'm running it alongside rugby 3x a week of each
  17. Sounds very similar to 5/3/1, I found it alright for some lifts but there wasn't enough volume for me on bench etc for example. Wasn't peogressing , enjoying westside programme atm as I'm running it alongside rugby 3x a week of each
  18. The old boy with his hands out in front,you could see what was coming. . . Old boy 2,piss heeds 0.?
  19. Try and get 6 intakes of protein in a day,at least 3 from meals and the rest from protein shakes or egg whites,low fat cottage cheese,skyr etc.
  20. 10 egg whites,low fat cottage cheese or skyr are as good as any protein shake
  21. It`s a good programme to follow for someone starting off in strength training.Do it for a few months. The best programme for me is one I followed from the great Ed Coan.It`s an 8 week cycle.Two weeks of 5 sets of 5 reps per excercise.Then two weeks of 5 sets of 3 reps per excercise(with heavier weight).Then two weeks of 5 sets of 2 reps per excercise(with heavier weight).Then one week of going for single reps working up to and over your max lift.Then take a week off.Start the next cycle with the weights slightly heavier than your previous etc etc.Remember the triangle of training,nutrition and
  22. Lions usually kill cubs fathered by another lion when they take over a pride.
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