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Everything posted by poxon

  1. One of the objects on his list that he wants I don’t think is suited to a saluki coursing dog wrong tool for the job pitchfork at the ready ?
  2. Think it’s pretty obvious why it’s for sale with his opening sentence he’s said he’s had enough of day time courseing for one reason or another but my guess would be the heat it’s to hot for his liking ?? Time to move on out the heat
  3. Won’t go far wrong with a bedlington greyhound x another sensible lurcher long as there’s hardly no whippet in the mix or none because a mix with whippet an bedlington in the mix tends to have a shrinking factor
  4. I use milbermax mine are collie blooded with no problems
  5. best thing to do is don’t rush in to nothing mate keep your eyes an ears open something will come to your attention also I suppose it depends on what you fancy x wise and what the dog to be used for there’s not much point in going down the heavy build bull x road if you only fancy a dog to be used for a mooching about rabbiting moocher as the main job you’d probably be better waiting out for something more traditional bred that fits in well. You could always put the feelers out on here of the sort of crosses your be interested in an see if any ones planning breeding any
  6. Don’t really do the new year new me thing normally but as I’m starting to get older an working outside like a slave year round in all weather it’s starting to take its toll I feel my fitness slowly slipping away from underneath me my problem is I smoke an eat crap because it’s easy this year has been a hard year with work an a house that needed a lot of work plus other bits an bobs that life chucks at ya along the way I didn’t have any time for me I’ve decided I will pack up the fags plus eat clean an potentially get my lazy old ass some decent exercise regular ? I also want to treat my self
  7. I personally wouldn’t lamp a dog till it’s finished growing say about a year old as I wouldn’t want to damage it pushing my luck pushing its self after gear least by a year old obedience is set in stone ferreting from 6-8months old for me with nets off a slip lead pinning in nets guaranteed fur between teeth to switch a young un on its worked well for me doing it this way the early days when younger were different I was inpatient an overly keen. I’ve seen many a young dog pick up bad habits over the years over being entered to early or dogs with no obedience what’s so ever that won’t ret
  8. Fair play fella I’ve a lot of respect for someone that has a crack at growing there own produce ????I Have a little dabble at growing some veg my self yearly in a little 18x18 patch in my garden it’s unbelievable what can be grown an the amount that can be grown in such a small space if crop rotation is figured out
  9. Same as me pal ?? mate family is everything
  10. I’m not religious what so ever mate ??I celebrate having time off work ?to spend time with family an see family members that I don’t get to see through out the year an more time for getting out with the dogs Because normally I’m busy being a good slave working to have my pants pulled Down with taxes ? religion= biggest con told to man
  11. How true is this religion is bull shit mate
  12. this bitch here was only about 1/8 collie she was out of chuck arrowsmiths collie she done very well for me day/night an didn’t lack in the stamina department The collie in there being 1/8 was still highly potent in the mix I think the problems with lack of stamina is down to people keep adding straight greyhound as a easy fix rather than racy bred lurcher to try an prep things up but end up loosing to much per generation adding straight greyhound I’m a believer in type breeding I believe that after you get to 3 quarter bred straight greyhound shouldn’t be added as a continuation on it should
  13. They both have always been figures of hate by real working lads/lasses because no one likes there peddling rackets for profit
  14. Shit news mate sorry to hear that I agree with you saying about being dealt a shit blow an getting back in the ring I’ve experienced a few with dogs over the last few seasons things have happened You can’t change you have to push forward as time stands still for no man good luck with your new pup when you decide what road you go down mate
  15. I’ve used it for about 10yrs good stuff I get it off eBay shop sometimes they have deals on there per 5m rolls or colours that don’t sell well you can get it cheaper ??
  16. I think bills alright he has dry humour banter I think he’s good entertainment along side katch going at each other over tut thinternet has me in stitches the pair of them ??????I think bills one of these guys that over the Internet has to be taken with a pinch of salt he knows how to crank people effectively he’s clearly pretty knowledgeable guy about Lurchers that’s had a bit of experience an seems to have a good memory how some of the old bred gear was bred but like I’ve said needs to be taken with a pinch of salt if anyone has noticed he’ll say one thing on one post an another about the sa
  17. A few people have said that Mate hopefully she’ll be able to take a nock or two being more sturdy built
  18. Who’s said other wise ??Fact is the bull cross is king solely on the fact there more easy to obtain rather than a Wheaton the fact there’s loads of bull crosses about being worked an not so many Wheaton x says it all don’t it or Wheaton xs wouldn’t be such a rarity
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